
Showing posts from June, 2022

Blessed are they that mourn

  Blessed are they that mourn. Sadness if it’s a tool is use to help us our deepest feeling. Feeling that identifies what must die in order for us to evolve into a higher spiritual plane that emits more light and love. 

LiFE. JoY. PeACE. ABUNDance. ReSt

  LiFE. JoY. PeACE. ABUNDance.ReSt   “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” ( John 10:10 ): " Peace I leave  with  you ; my  peace I give  to  you .  Not as the world gives  do I give to  you . Let  not  your hearts be troubled.  John 14:27        . What is this Peace not of this world ? Philippians  4:6 Peace that surpasses all understanding.         . Lean therefore not to your own understanding.         . Trust in the Lord.  Till now have you  asked  nothing in my name:  ask , and you shall receive, that  your joy may be full . (John 16:24) “Come to me,  all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest (Matt 11:28)