
Showing posts from October, 2022

Matthew 6:10

 You can’t take your wealth with you when you die and it probably has no use anyway. Neither can you take away your good deeds and good manners. Yes you can’t as well. No matter how many lives you save and how many mouths you feed and how many needy people you help you can’t take away these good deeds too !!! What you can take away is your spirit. In fact it’s you in spirit form that leaves and how developed and evolved that spirit is in Light and Love and authority is at that point you leave is what you begin with in your next journey. If the good deeds is out of an enlightened evolved and developed spirit and helped that spirit grow is the means to an end. 

Jesus Temptation

  Eagle 🦅  Authority in Heaven Lion 🦁 Authority on Earth, rule & subdue Ox 🐂  Create; work, build, Heaven on Earth Man 👨🏾 Melchizedek, son of man, son of God                embodies all that and demonstrate                  humanity and divinity in a capsule Man is to rule in heaven and on earth. And walk with authority of heaven on earth and create heaven on earth

Ezekiel 4 Living Creatures

Eagle 🦅  Authority in Heaven Lion 🦁 Authority on Earth, rule & subdue Ox 🐂  Create; work, build, Heaven on Earth Man 👨🏾 Melchizedek, son of man, son of God                embodies all that and demonstrate                  humanity and divinity in a capsule

The Secret Place

In Daoist religion tradition, Zixiao 紫霄 is the name of the palace where the Lord Immortal Laozi 老子 (the author of the Daoist canon, the Daodejing 道德經) lives. It is often referred to as a sacred place where people live in freedom, peace, and harmony. With regards to your inner cultivation practice, it refers to the state of spiritual freedom of your mind. one of the purposes of our cultivation practice is to transcend your Qi (vital energy) into Zixiao, so that your mind will be in the state of spiritual freedom and harmony.  
Can’t act or speak clearly If we can’t see or hear clearly  

John 17:11

Detach but stay connected stay grounded 1. Detach & Disconnect 2. Recover the real you  3. Reconnect as the real you 4. Remain Detach but grounded and connected 5. Live as the Real You Jesus temptation : what actually happens : 1. He discovered his true self. True nature of man 2. He mastered the lower nature of man (by being tested) 3. He discovered the heavenly man in him and the real divine nature of man 4. He realised his authority both in heaven and on earth  5. He became both Humane & Divine, both Son of man & also Son of Heaven. 6. He walked then on earth as the supernatural man     - as man originally intended to be As a wholistic man healing and prosperity happens naturally. 

Breastplate of Righteousness

The physical anatomy relationship to the metaphysical anatomy of man. The physiology and spirituality intertwine. The whole man. The real man. 

Let Your light shine


John 7:38 :

Innermost being will flow rivers of living waters ! What is this ‘living waters’ ? It is prana or chi or simply know. As Life Force. And where does this Life force flow out from ? from our innermost being . To be clear this is what the ancient Chinese call Qi.  I sincerely think that Jesus taught the disciples how to access this Innermost being so that they lived with incredible excess of Life Force so much so that it spills over that led to healings etc

Revelation 21:8

The quality of our next life will be determined by our Spiritual state and stature at the point where we check out. Whatever spiritual and soul state that we are in will be the power and strength in the “next life” So while on earth lay up treasures in heaven. Learn to grow and evolve your spirit. Don’t be a cowardice …. If you are a needy, cowardice or angry or jealous or whatever you will go on the next life with those qualities

Phillipians 4:19

  …. As also in Christ Jesus. Not the Jesus before he became the Christ. But the Christ when he assume the role of High Priest in the Order of Mel

Real meaning of 2 shall become one


Armour of God : Man physical, emotional and spiritual anatomy


Melchizedek : the King & the Magician

The King in Spiritual Realm The Magician on Earth Melchizedek, the true man. Divine masculinity epitomised. Melchizedek is the king-priest in the Bible. In this book it list 4 Archetype of the authentic male. The King, Magician, Lover and Warrior. . Replace Priest with the word Magician which I think is a much better word to describe this spiritual quality of man. He is the worker of the universe energies.  He knows how to integrate the invisible and visible as one whole big system of Living.  Living encompasses the visible and the invisible realm. 

Self Control & Self Love


Self control & Fear

 Have you ever wondered what self control has to do with  spirit of fear in this verse ? It’s basically a verse to instruct us how to handle fear.  Firstly is to know : 1. We have the Power          . Be of Good cheer, he has overcome the world 2. We are loved by the universe.          . Neither height nor depth nor … 3. We have the spirit of self control          . We have to tame the beast from within. 

Meaning of Sabbath

The meaning of Sabaath is Be Still. Why ? So we can hear the still small voice. Saabath has been defined as Rest. Basically little or no activity. We stop creating.  Jesus said he is the Lord of Sabaath. And anyone who is weary to go to him and he will give him rest. 

Be Still

Arise & Shine For your light has come And the glory of the lord has risen on you Means Salvation No longer toss and and fro Was once far off but now brought near The body is full of light because the eye is single now  The body is a temple of the Living Spirit We are the children of Light As Our is the LIGHT Arise and shine means Transmitting  Born Again means 3rd eye is Open Chakras are open When Adam & Eve fell 3rd eye was closed So when we baptised with eyes close we open when we rise.  Job “ahh but now I see you 👀 “ Jesus spit mix with  74% of DNA white blood cell Kingdom of God is an environment of Light There’s 2 dimension even in this earth The physical plane and the spiritual place of higher consciousness and Light.