
Showing posts from January, 2023

Repentance. True repentance.

 Repent.  feel or express  sincere  regret or  remorse  about one's  wrongdoing  or sin. "the Padre urge Repentance is not out of Guilt but Remorse.  The church preached guilt and condemnation No idea what the Gospel actually is actually.  It works when the world did not know any better and was T enlightened.  Like the prodigal son, when we know we are wrong, we are tired and exhausted. We come to an end of the road and decide to embrace the better Path. True repentance can only come from within. Repentance is but the desire to be whole and be full of Light. 

Romans 8:38

“Love of God”. Hmm… What actually is God’s Love ? Can we really know what is God’s love when we  Don’t really know what or who he is ? Or it is ? Light is Electromagnetism. Let there be Light means The natural environment or space  was buzzing with electromagnetism (chi). Living things are basically bio-electromagnetism entity. What then separated man from the animals is that it is created in the image of “God”, creation, creator . Animals and man are bio electromagnetic entities Only that Man has an extra element in that it can create with its thoughts and feelings. (Mind and soul) In that sense man is God in human physical form. It is One !! We don’t feel one because we are separated . That’s when the problem starts.  We start using our own brain and heart to direct our affairs instead of being directed from within as being One.  In the “fallen” state our job firstly is to return to Origin. That’s the mission of the Melchizedek priesthood of which Jesus is the high...

Prov 3:16

Acknowledge Place your awareness and Consciousness in The great unknown The master of the universe The One that make it all works  The one thing that make The earth and planets rotates The One that makes the stars and Sun.  The One that makes the trees And the leaves ever young One you feel the Presence of the  MYSTERY Very gently just be aware of your Situation That needs to be aligned With the loving kindness of The DIVINE MYSTERY So next time you fret Feel anxious, uncertain And breathe and relax And go into the Zone The Mystery Zone Feel the Presence And let the feeling Permeate your situation Worry or concern   

We fight not with flesh and blood but ….


Genesis 30:39

  Life is to be Easy and Light.  Not that its not without challenge but the right challenge. Not negative challenge. The challenge of building and developing and creating and evolving. Constructive Challenges. Bad challenges are sickness, bankruptcy, battling addiction be it alcohol, gambling, sex etc. Always filling the hole but never filling it.  Life is to be managed. Nature is to be managed, cultivated, harnessed and controlled.  Just like animals can be tamed and trained, nature can be tamed and trained.  We can align ourselves to nature and also nature to ourselves. 

How things gets created.

  The first 2 verses in the Bible beginning in Genesis contains all you need to know of how to make things happen in this life.  1. The Earth was Formless and Dark.(No Shape or form) 2. Waters 3. Spirit Of God 4. Let there be Light.  This in essence is what prayer is. Let your consciousness hold and hover over the desire, idea, inspiration that you wish to manifest in your life. Gently. Dont force it. Just hover above it. And when that energy of desire builds in you and as you see the idea taking shape and the confidence and conviction that it will come to pass that it will manifest, let it build to a point of no return that automatically you shout "LET THERE BE LIGHT !!" From TaiJi to WuJi to TaiJi  Waters : Inspiration & Ideas.  Spirit of God : Consciousness Hovering : gently holding it in the mind/incubating     1  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  2  Now the earth was formless and empty,...

Is it ok to have an easy life ?

Not sure who came up with this saying but receive it from a friend this morning. While I understand what the quote is trying to say it’s counter intuitive and counter productive.  It’s says don’t pray for an easy life. Taken on the surface value does it make sense ? Do you want an easy life ? Actually it got me thinking “Do I want an easy life ?” Jesus say his burden is easy and light. What that burden is, is the subject of another discussion. For this purpose I defined burden as the the business of life. 生意.  The purpose of your life.  Your USP. Your gift Your life Life is suppose to be easy and light. Doesn’t mean we sit around and do nothing. No ! We are born to create and let it shine !! There are 2 types of challenges. Positive challenges and Negative Challenges. Positive challenges are constructive and it builds and develops and evolve. Negative challenges are destructive. Death, decay, breaks and destruction. Sickness. Addiction Etc. These are what wears people dow...

Genesis 1:11


Matt 6:33

  The Kingdom of God defined. What is Kingdom of God ? In a practical sense that we can apply to our daily living and ever living.  Simply put and it took me awhile to define it. I didn’t sit down to think about it but it is something always been at the back of my mind. And none of the sermons I have heard really satisfy me. It always leaves some more question.  To me now very certainly, when Jesus refers to Kingdom of god he is refering to the inherent power and authority we have in us over ourselves , over our environment over the universe. 

Matt 6:33

  “ If you honor what is most meaningful to you, the truth is you may not earn as much money. You may earn more money. Your power lies in attuning to and giving voice to what is meaningful for you and trusting the outcomes will serve your highest good .” The Kingdom of God is that Truth that God places inherently within you. Be like a spiritual Indiana Jones and unlock that unique gift that God, Universe, Source, cosmos, Force whatever you want to call it, that has placed inside of you . 

The lesson from a Young Rich Ruler

  On the surface my life seems like a failure. Imagine Prince Harry becoming a London Cab driver lol. No though Prince Harry didn’t fall to that low a level* as he is still loaded but leaving the royal which is his life, his whole life until then is a very big deal. To find out you don’t fit into your own family. He tried but he reach a point whereby he couldn’t do it anymore. He wasn’t true to himself. In a way he was living a lie, ok maybe a lie is too strong a word. He was living an illusion only to wake up and realise he isn’t meant to be there. And it takes an Afro Hollywood American Actress (basically everything he is not) who maybe also in that shoe as well to wake him up, gave him the strength to be by himself and with himself and be himself. And what she saw in his life reflects hers in a very different context but the essence is the same. Wrong time wrong place wrong person wrong family. It’s not so much she took him away but by being with her awaken a courage that’s alwa...