Am I a Baptist or Am I a Quaker ?

 “A Rose By Any other Name will smell just as sweet”

Was Dr. King a Quaker? No, he was a Baptist! But he sounded like a Quaker when he preached love and forgiveness.

Was it William Shakespeare that said “A rose by any other name is still a rose !” That’s right a human being by any other name is still a human being. Love and forgiveness as a Baptist or a Quaker is still Love and Forgiveness.

I guess really how far up one is on Maslow Hierachy determines the oneness in spirit. From the basic level up to self actualisation and ultimately transcendence. At that level when one has transcended race, religion , culture, tradition it doesn’t matter what the labels are. It’s all Spirit. It’s all humanness. Whether you call it this or that. 

Just as this post seemingly by a Quaker who thought Martin Luther King, a Baptist, is a Quaker because he seems to espouse the some of the same values like love & forgiveness. 

That’s it isn’t it. If the final denominator is Love & Forgiveness that’s what it is Love and Forgiveness. And that’s from the Human/divine spirit why then the division by labels. Whether you are Methodist’s, Anglican, Lutheran, Quaker or Baptists. Why ?! When end of the day we are talking the same thing. 

I guess the bigger question that man has been asking is “Who Am I ? And man somehow needs an identity because he has not transcended and national geographies and politics doesn’t help either. Till one transcend and led by the Tao (sorry that’s a label by itself lol) should I say the spirit inherent in  all human beings we will identify by labels. Hence it says God has no name. And the Tao cannot be named.

* incidentally Tao, spelled backwards is Oat. Hmm maybe Quaker Oats is into something here lol …..just kidding but again many a truth is spoken in jest !!?? :)


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