It’s about creation not finding

 Yes Thank You ! Thank you ! Finally someone said it. It’s not about finding ourselves but creating. After all the Creator’s spirit is in us. Like a fish that probably doesn’t know it’s out of water till he is out of it, so are we. We are creatures that are meant to create. We are offsprings of Creation. 

Salvation is but the discovery and recovery of our original self Jesus the 2nd Adam/Last man is the reorigination of the original and he came to restore us to the original !

He shows the way the truth and the life and he embodies it !  

Don’t mean to get into semantics but in a way it can be interpreted as well, to find ourselves means to find our original self/spirit. 

The stories of “God in Everyday” are real story of ordinary people that does extraordinary things because I believe they have a glimpse of their “Original Self” their super self more than others who are still lost. 

The Christ spirit leads us back to the Origin back to the Father. Restored back in power and glory and action that power & glory. Let your Light shine ! 

The Christ spirit cannot be any other separate spirit from the Universal Spirit. It’s that part of the Origin, that part of God that restores !!

Christ spirit is that that restores !


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