John3:8 - 是以聖人處無為之事,行不言之教


One who moves in Tao, moves in WuWei is like one moving In the Spirit. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. It just flows. You see its results, the things it accomplishes but you don't see it moving. You dont see it being built. When its done, people say wow when did this happen. So it is of someone that moves in the Zone. 

I think and beginning to think Saints are just ordinary people doing ordinary things but with exceptional spirit with perseverance and persistence. When normal human beings starts to move in the spirit, extraordinary things happens. They just do because of some reason they felt compelled to. Not knowing the end result but just do because they felt its the right thing to do. 

That EXCELLENCE achieve is "Kingdom of God". 

So when we are led and move by the Spirit, are we not then Children of God !! As long as you as a human being moves in the Spirit, In The Zone and Flow you are creatures of the Divine. 


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