Tao 18 : Ten Commandments


The need for Ten Commandments arises because men no longer operate in the Spirit of Goodness. When men operate in harmony and in the Spirit, there's no need for external code of conducts. Its only when the Great Tao is not observed that the need for the "Ten Commandments" arises and whatever goodness, righteousness and courage is left will arise to defend the Tao. 

Here Abraham bargain with God to spare the City from if there are 50 righteous people to 10 Righteous people. God agreed. He is merciful. He is reasonable. He uses his discretion. According to Tao 18 that's consolation, the real thing is everyone, the whole world in harmony. But because the world is out of tune and out of sync, Righteousness has to fill the void. 

Hebrew 10:16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,” That's the real thing. Originally the law even the law of life, of living was in the hearts of man, even in his spirit. But when that is divorced and man began to use his own mind and judgement, no longer following the Spirit, man became out of sync once again with the Universe. Man has to return to the Origin, even the Tao. 



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