James 1:6-8 - 定 : Another take on the verse

You might have heard the phrase “Power of Now” popularised by Ekart Tolle perhaps. Or the saying live in the present moment, the past is over, the future is not yet. You only have this moment. It’s easy when we are immersed and engrossed with something a passion some enthusiasm for the moment. A distraction , a holiday, but they are all temporary isn’t it. Many have speak about it not many has offered a clear and simple solution. And yet it has been with us over the ages and we may have accidentally discover it and some could have been born to do easier with it. The Word is 定. Don’t think there’s an equivalent English word that describe as powerfully as 定 (ding) To fixed onto a spot. To nail it to a spot. Like perhaps the poles of the earth. Fixed. And so fixed the mind. How ? You might ask , it’s really that simple but doing it might be tough and it takes practice. Martial art to me is the best discipline to learn 定. 

Usually we tell our friends or someone we are counselling or offering words of comfort, we say “Don’t Worry” but end up they worrying some more. 定is just a means to an end. 定is not the final destination. 定 is the starting point. To be still and fixed and start the process of healing of solution etc. 



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