Becoming Me : I Am That I Am As One With The Universe

 Becoming Me : I Am That I Am As One With The Universe. Some are more fortunate than others. From the start they are born to be themselves. Education I feel destroy some of that. Growing up in this internet world of social connectivity with Influencers, celebrities and fashion also take away a lot. There’s of course those who have been enhanced by it. 

However to those less fortunate and in less fortunate situation, experiences and circumstances and have for one reason or other have develop a pseudo personality to survive and have adopted that pseudo personality for the real. It will last till when the real doesn’t want to play pseudo anymore or can’t. Case in point , Prince Harry. Congratulation he broke out of the royal mould that no longer serves him. Bravo !! And his sub consciousness energy basically draw him to Megan Markle. And I guess that sub conscious energy in him must have been seismic heavy for he swung from the centuries of Royal blood with its tradition to Hollywood California USA. That’s like to the other extreme. He has broken out of a pseudo world and context but can he transit to his real self. And his real self be comfortable with the woman he had married as a saviour ?? Not for me to judge but I wish him well. Not an easy journey but I guess one that his soul has signed up to :) Go Harry !!


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