The above picture shows a human body map as described by various health practice. 
1. Herbal
2. Vitamins
3. Reflexology (Hand & Feet)
4. Qi Biological Clock

It also shows how "stress-emotions-body(disease)" are all inter-related. 
Lets  take the HEART as a discussion topic. 
The below Picture shows what practice or system is related to the heart. 
Remember there's another 6 Major organs that has its own care and characteristics. 
The focus is on the ORGANS. 
not the related health labels. 
So as you can see, there is quite abit involved here :
1. Chemistry (Body)
2. Energy (Qi)
3. Meridians
4. Chakras (spiritual)
5 Emotions (mind/feelings)

Man is Body/Mind/Soul/Spirit

The imbalance or sickness could be due to physical or emotional or spiritual interference. 

 Control the Emotions and have a Healthy Mind Body and Soul


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