Sabbath : Day of Rest or religious observance
The Spirit of Creation rested.
Become Still. Become WuJi.
Become Wu Xin.
State of readiness. No Intention.
No Desire. No ambition.
The Spirit of Creation rested.
Become Still. Become WuJi.
Become Wu Xin.
State of readiness. No Intention.
No Desire. No ambition.
No mind.
Just Be. Ready for whatever comes,
whatever inspiration comes to trigger
another round of creativity and creation.
Energy is brought to a stillness.
Make no doubt though in action it was also still.
But this stillness for recharging.
Revisioning. Recreating.
Just Be. Ready for whatever comes,
whatever inspiration comes to trigger
another round of creativity and creation.
Energy is brought to a stillness.
Make no doubt though in action it was also still.
But this stillness for recharging.
Revisioning. Recreating.
But man always have a habit of religiosing spiritual thing basically turning a spirituality into a practice and encoding it to a format that physically we can follow and emulate and ultimately control the adherents. . Turning the day of REST into a somber religious observance to a Spirit they can’t see but worship bodily and with the mind.
Jesus came as the high priest in the order of Melchizedek to remind and return man back to the origin back to the days of original Adam as he is dubbed as the 2nd Adam. And in this verse , he is recalling and reminding the people of the first purposes of Sabbath. That their energy be recharge.
That’s your Sabbath !! Actually thinking about it Sabbath is The Secret Place. LOL !! Jesus is no longer here in earth but in Spirit he is the Lord of Sabbath. That to me is also symbolic because in practical terms is the “9 types of Rest” as shown above.
Be at Rest. Be at Peace. Shalom !!
Basically what it means is Sabbath is the secret place where we dwell in the shadow of the Almighty. Huh ? Practically please ? The secret place is the sabbath vice versa. It just that point in time, the moment in time where you take time out !! And make it a regular practice . Just as your body take in food it has to let it out. So does the soul and spirit. Take time out to release all the pe T up energy of the past days and week.
Secret place is a moment in Time. It’s not a particular physical location. It’s Sabbath. And Sabbath is time based.
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