Bread & Wine. 
Jesus is the bread of life . He said to his disciples eat of me in honour of  his coming death (Passover) and the subsequent outpouring of the Spirit in the upper room (Pentecost)

The “holy communion” as it is called is the story of Passover to Pentecost; from sacrifice to restoration of mankind  in the Spirit establishing heaven on earth. Reclaiming the Authority of man and heavens mandate on earth. Thus the account of Paul & Peter saying to the lame at the temple “silver & gold I have not but get up and walk”. 

Heaven is Yang. Man is yin. Yin sacrifice and present itself as a living sacrifice, an empty vessel  to receive the authority and power from Heavem. Thus marrying the Yang and establish Yin-Yang harmony on Earth. The sacrifice is actually no sacrifice. It’s a sacrifice by the lower man in exchange for his higher self and consciousness. To leave his egoistic mind heart and soul for an open and elevated mind heart and soul.

Melchizedek (Yang) offered bread & wine to Abraham (Yin) in turn Abraham return the offering as Tithes, (symbolic of man’s bodily effort on earth) as a service to his higher self, to the divine in him after receiving authority & power of Heaven. 

Therefore just as Adam was given the mandate to rule, manage, organise and subdue the earthly realm, the restored man that has been commissioned with Authority and Power is to rule the earthly realm on behalf of the Spirit. Establishing Heaven on Earth. 



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