Genesis 2:22

Christianity from the western world perspective has a big drawback and crippling limitation. It is much influenced by the learned Greeks and Roman’s culture. It has no reference point to one critical thing. Qi and Breath. After all Adam became alive when God breathe into him 

Maybe in the very origin there were no polarities. There were no Yin/Yang Male/female. It was one whole entity that embodies both yin and Yang. Then at some point in time, yin was separated from the whole leaving 2 parts. Male and what came out of it Female. Thus Male always feels something is missing and wants to be patched up. Whereas female feels she has left home and wants to be put back. In “heaven” they were one but on earth everything becomes polarised. The opposite have to work together. Posture and negative got to be joined for electricity to flow. 

“And the 2 shall become one”. Male and female were meant to be conjoin energetically as shown in the picture. Problems starts when the 2 is legally married and make love and make babies but never conjoin energetically. 


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