Matthew 10:16

The word Ninjutsu (the Way of the Ninja) is often translated as “the art of stealth” or “the art of invisibility.” The word implies two things: first, the use of stealth to uncover the hidden self so we can discover our inner truth and know what our real purpose is. Second, the skill of remaining true to ourselves but blending so effectively with the prevailing ways of society that we remain almost unseen, leaving no footprints in the sand, while still achieving our purpose.

At the heart of this is self-awareness. The Way of the Ninja is the way of applied psychology and spirituality—that is, applied to the art of effective living. This psychospiritual approach was first mapped out in the Amatsu Tatara, but in a rather obscure form. 

The secret scrolls contain tenmon (“Heaven things”) and chimon (“Earth things”). The latter—such as how to shoot an arrow straight to its target—are the ones the doctrine most obviously demonstrates; but hidden within this is an entire philosophy of “heaven things,” like how to ensure the mental stillness necessary for this level of accuracy—or, basically, how to get what you want.



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