The Way

 Before Lao Tzu there was already Tao. Before Buddha Buddhism already existed. Before Jesus there was no Christianity. Jesus did not preach Christianity. Jesus didnt preach from the 4 Gospels. Jesus preached the Kingdom Of God. And Paul preached the Kingdom of God. Jesus didn’t really talked about himself. Paul did, I believe to give some info about the “founder”. To the Israelites Jesus referenced the divine realm, the unseen realm, the invisible realm as the Kingdom of God. Because the Israelites were expecting a messiah, a saviour like Moses to lead them out of Rome, out of oppression. And Jesus is just saying look no one is coming, you guys are missing the whole point, it’s not about establishing a Kingdom of Israel in this world. It’s all about the divine realm, the realm of God, the kingdom of God as vs the Kingdom in this world. It’s about The Way. The Way of  Living am overcoming life, A life that’s divine with authority and power. And if we really break it down it’s really also the 8 Noble path or Tao which is literally The Way or The Path . The Way of what ? The Way of Life !! Isaiah said return to the ancient paths and Isaiah lived 3000, 4000 years ago and he says return to the ancient path. So we are talking go back to 5000,6000 years. Basically back to days of Noah, Days of Abraham and ultimately Days of Adam. How did god communicate with Adam in the origin of days. Heart to Heart. Mind to Mind. Soul to Soul. And that’s what we must return to !! That’s why Jesus is dubbed the 2nd Adam and the Last Man. He came to restore man back to the origin communicating with God heart to heart, mind to mind, soul to soul , spirit to spirit. And that is basically the mission of the Melchizedek priesthood. Of which Jesus is the High Priest to guide us back, to show us The Way back to the “Father”. That’s the “Secret Place” of Psalm 91. The state of union with “God” with the “Universe” with “The Source”. Aligned with the Creator as we should be. Practically what happened is our electromagnetic pulses that radiates from our heart is align with the Earth’s own geomagnetic field which interacts with other inter stellar planets geomagnetic field. (Light as defined Is electromagnetic radiation) That’s Feng Shui 101. Feng 风is wind and 水is Watet both symbolic of the Spirit. And when aligned we are blessed !! We are one with God. So how to be in the secret place ? So how to be align ? Simply close your eyes and breathe. In the origin Adam and Eve fell because their eyes were open. Meaning they exercise their free will. Their ability to think for themselves. So man need to reverse that by closing the eye. The Ego. How ? So in baptism what happen ? We close our eyes and hold our breath. Symbolic of death. In physical death when the spirit leaves the body, the body ultimately decompose and decay and breaks down to dust. From dust to dust. So where does the spirit go ? Thus in baptism symbolic also of spiritual death, when we are immerse in the water, the water representing the Spirit, God, Origin, Soutce. Implying our spirit returns back to the Origin. Back to Soutce. And we rised as a New man New Spirit. Aligned with Heaven Earth and man. The New Man. In Authority and In Power. No religion no religiousness just aligned in Heaven’s Authority and Power on Earth. That’s basically 无極. In a state of non action awaiting for the 太極 the supreme to move. In Genesis it says the spirit of God hovers above the waters. 

It’s say in Ecclesiastes, to have eternity in our hearts. What that means is to be in a state of Timelesness. A state whereby “your left hand not know what your right had is doing” which is a cryptic way of saying “Just Be.Just Do It”. A state of knowingness but not thinking. Flowing in the spirit. We are caught in a state of dillema not knowing what to do, a state of paralysis by analysis when we stop to think with our “Eve’s eye opened” . Just like when we make minute steering changes while driving without thinking that’s how we are to live. 


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