Eye Of The Needle

 Above is a picture supposedly of a gate in Jerusalem that is called “Eye of the Needle”. And when the wagon of camels is overladen it’s difficult to pass through. 

That’s one take on this notorious verse. There’s so many versions of this verse and however it has been spinned it never really satisfies. It doesn’t give a clear message of the meaning. Even like the above preachers become too indulgent in the analogy rather than the meaning. Just like the preaching on the Armour of God, preachers get carried away in explaining the armour than the real spiritual lesson.

In the eye of the needle parable, there are 3 characters. The needle. The camel. And the rich man. All 3 have been given a hard and detailed scrutiny. Of all the versions I have heard the best I must say goes to the camel. The humility of the camel. As each time the came moves up & down he has to bend forward as if kneeling. Pretty good I thought.

So in this parable the bad guy is the Mr Rich Man. All rich people are made out to be the bad guys. Lol. So is this parable about being rich or one shouldn’t be rich. Firstly it’s not about money or how much one has in the bank account or how many properties one has. The rich is being penalised on the account of the poor because it is easier to be poor than rich. It takes more effort to be rich than poor. It’s always easier to pull down than build up. Jesus himself said the poor you will always have with you. Rich people have been given the rap because when you have the means it is easy to be mean. And it’s this part of the Rich that disgraces really wealth. 


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