Job 42:5
Job 42:5 “I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you !”
Job the greatest man living at that time in the East. Blameless and upright. Very religious. And eschew evil. A Righteous man in words and deeds. A person that you would think knows and walk with God.
However, in chapter 42 after going through, suffering and persevering through his great misfortune he cried out when God showed him a vision and had an enlightenment :
“I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you !”
All his religiousness was brought to that moment of Truth. And he realise before he only heard of God. Imagine after all that ceremonies, religious duties and sacrifices he finally awakens, enlightened in the spirit : he cried out
“I had heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you !”
He was fully well versed with the religious ins and outs. What he should do and what he shouldn’t but as Job 42 shows he did not know God. He knew a religion but not necessary God. And so it is written the true worshippers must worship in Spirit & In Truth !! At that moment , salvation happens ! Man is reconnected in Spirit to his creator.
Are you a Christian because you ? :
a. Led by the Holy Spirit
b. Goes to church
c. Baptised ?
d. Go to cell group, prayer group & Bible studies
The first thing the Jesus asked the disciples to do after he is gone is to wait for the promised Holy Spirit. The one that will give and lead us into all truths. The one that is in us and greater than the world. The one that will give us utterance. As many as are led by the Spirit of God are children of God !
Is your church helping you, instructing you to walk and be led by the Spirit ? To Listen and hear from God ? To Enter the Secret place ? To obtain the substance of Faith that moves mountain ? To move in the Spirit ?
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