Melchizedek: the Original image of God

 Jesus mission was to restore man back to God. Not just reconnect man to God but to restore man back to the State of Origin as God created and intended man to be. Even back to the state Adam was before the fall. To restore fully and complete let the “image of God”.

Originally the followers of Jesus were called “Followers of the Way”. 道. They weren’t called Christian.

I think there is a subtle difference.We are restored thru the Way that Jesus purportedly teaches. But as Christianity evolves , The Way becomes Christianity.

From following The Way to become followers of the Son Of Man. And make it thus a Jesus Cult than really following what Jesus taught.道.

Jesus has been dubbed the Second Adam and the Last Man. He is the Alpha & Omega.

He is the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek. And the line of priesthood was running parallel albeit in a higher plane than the Aaronic priesthood. Parallel but existed before and continues to exist after with Jesus as the High priest. It existed before and I believe the 1st Melchizedek is Adam. 

It’s job is to remain and retain and restore man to the Origin “Image of God” as he is meant to be.


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