Jesus turned water into wine. Multiplied fish and loaves of bread. All alchemy of natural elements. From one state to another . Money can be said is not a natural element. It’s man made. A concept. The miracle then is not one of alchemy but uncanny reallocation and redirection of natural forces to where money or sources of money/income is.
In the Old Testament Elijah too did not manifest money directly. In the account of the Old Testament story, the widow had no money to pay off her debt. Elijah asked her to bring him jars as many as she can. The oil kept on pouring filling all the jars which the widow could then sell for money to pay off her debts !
Today if you are in need for money to pay off bills, debts taxes etc make your request known to God and wait for his instructions of redirection .
End Takeaways :
. There is a Financial Problem/Situation
. God provides a Divine Solution
. The Solution is simple & achievable
. Money is manifested !!
. There is no judgement as to why the person is in the conundrum in the first place !!
. God Is LOve !!
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