Moses : Who Am I ??


“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
Moses must have cried out in the desert after he became the most wanted man in Egypt and fled into the Desert.
Born a Hebrew into the Hebrew tribe but raise an Egyptian and not just any ordinary Egyptian but a Royal Egyptian !
A stroke of luck put him in the realm of royalty, a stroke of bad luck also cast him out into the desert.

“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
Am I a Hebrew ? 
Am I an Egyptian ?
Am I a Prince ?
Am I a slave ?
Am I a murderer ?

“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
His world as he knows it crumbled and shattered overnight.
His self identity crumbled and shattered overnight.
He had to face what he knew, always knew that he was different. That he was in the in crowd but inwardly felt an outsider.

“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
“Who Am I ?”
One day he did a double take.
Was he seeing things now
The bush was burning but not burnt.
He moved nearer and realise he was on Holy Ground

God who has no name 
Chose a name to introduced himself 
A name that will resonate with poor Moses
Who was struggling with Self Identity
An identity crisis.

“I Am”
“I Am That I Am”
Man born in the image of God
Indirectly telling Moses
“You are who you are”
“You are as I have created you”
“Neither a Hebrew or an Egyptian”
“Neither a Prince or a slave”
“You are who you are”
“Your True Self”
“Now go, complete your mission !”

End Takeaways :
Sometimes we define our identity to our environment so much so that we forgot our true self. And from time to time when the environment changes or life's context changes we are lost. We are resistant to change not because we want to but our identity is so tied up with the context/environment/situation that changing means losing our identity so we think is our True Self, which is not. Our soul get confuse between the roles we play in life and the Self itself. Like for example when we change job when our identity is so tied up with the old company or the proverbial empty nest syndrome where the kids moves out when for 20 odd years our identity is that of a mother or father and suddenly that role vanish so goes our identity. Or in a divorce situation where the Self has to find a new identity outside the ex-marital situation. That's all because we lose our Self in the Roles we play and created a "false" identity for ourselves. 


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