The Word is The Substance = FAITH

 THE WORD is not the bible. The bible as they say is God's inspired word. But that's NOT THE WORD. In the beginning was The Word and The Word was with God. The Word is NOT The Bible. The bible contains the inspired words from God but its NOT THE WORD.

THE WORD is a spiritual essence. A spiritual intention. It creates. It moves things into place. The word is the substance of things hope for but not seen. The Word is the Substance which is Faith. The Word is Faith - Substance, 

THE WORD in plain English is Intuition. Inspiration. Instinct. Ideas. Impressions. To be even plainer is GUT INSTINCT. The substantial knowingness in our heart, in our gut to do something or not to do something. To call someone or not call someone. That "Still small voice". Still and small but HEAVY. You will know, it will not let you go. Trust it and Obey it. TRUST & OBEY (TAO) for there's no other way :)



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