What it means to Love the Lord thy God with all your heart mind and soul ? 身神🈴️一

To love thy God with all you Heart, Mind & Soul means to Be One in Mind, Body & Spirit. Saying is easier than actually doing it which might be easy as well if people know exactly what it means ?

Sounds good. Love the Lord thy God with all your heart mind and soul. Even poetic but how to achieve it ? Could be a mystery and I have a feeling not everyone agrees on what it is !

God is Spirit and obviously not human that we can love in a human way and yet humans being humans try as they like still very much express it it human ways like sending flowers , doing charitable works, giving to charity, doing good and even random acts of kindness etc etc. what all these have in common is an external expression of Love.

God is a Spirit. Thus we must focus on internal. 

“ Concentrate and focus on your soul, heart and mind. Use your mind to focus inside your body. Melds heart  mind and body as one. LifeisaslongasHeaven's andEarths. Physical life has no ending “




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