Forgive to Offset our Universe’s Debt

 “For if we forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you” …. So does that mean if we don’t the Heavenly Daddy also won’t forgive us ? We shall come back to address that question. There are situations inevitably as we go through life that we will be trespassed and it really need not be anything big or serious. For example someone’s earphone is so loud that it just annoys us especially in the library or the car that moves off  just a millisecond slower than we like at the lights or someone sneezes so loudly that it invaded our space, a friend that is late for a date, things like that we get cross we get annoyed. We are in a trespass situation. And we would like some apologies, some justice, some explanation, some compensation .

Well next time count it all Joy my brothers & sisters when you are in a Tresspass situation. For you can use that to offset your cosmic/divine tresspass. You can get to knock it off.

Look I really don’t know what that verse meant or what the Heavenly Father will do. But it does say we can use it to offset our debts with the Universe. It’s a little spiritual game that I play anyway. Mentally I get to offset and make more peace with the Universe. And it’s a win-win. Actually we can only lose as there’s no one else involve in the game except our mind. 

I was brought up to think there is this "God", "Old Man Up There", "Supreme Being" up there in Heaven listening to the prayers and cries of millions of people on earth and deciding which one to answer which one to say "no", which one "to let them learnt a lesson". And maybe you have to. And maybe alot of people thinketh this way. That there is this "Divine Fatherly figure" up there and we have to see his mood of the day. Mostly happy but sometimes angry. And can be angry for no reason. And gives no reason. 

Now I am 99% debunked that image. And rather think it in terms of energy. A Divine Intelligent Energy that is impartial. If we are plugged in we are in harmony with its energy which is Life. And if we are not then we are not. So how to plug into this DIE ? Heart, Mind and soul as One or Be One ! And if we are out of sync for whatever reason , being Tresspassed being one. then we are out of sync. We then should quickly maintain harmony. Firstly forgive the tresspass and offsetting it with one that you had. So harmony all around. 


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