God in Everyday : “that restless voice”


This is the story about what happens when you acknowledge that there’s more for you to become, and that you don’t have to have enormous resources to make a difference in the world. It’s a story about what can unfold when inspiration strikes and you realize that the rewards of living a purposeful life are rich and lasting. It’s the story of my life (although I have changed the names of several people at their request), but it’s a story that can belong to anyone.

But deep down inside, I was no longer enamored with the life I’d created. The only purpose I was serving was self-interest. While I rarely showed it to outsiders, my happiness waned day after day. A restless voice kept me up at night, telling me that until I found meaning, the money wouldn’t matter.

(That probably is the correct interpretation of do we serve God or Mammon : Do we just work for money and more money and money is the end of the mission or do we serve a greater purpose and still get paid for it : Ikigai !”)

A restless voice. Probably the same as the one that called to Jonah. To Samuel. To Moses. To Paul and many others
. The call of the Spirit. Our Ancestor. Our Creator. Our Source. The call to enter the Kingdom. The Call to return to our Origin. 

I have been familiar with that “restless voice” over the years. My heart will be beating with excitement. I know in my soul that I have to do something about it. The Inspiration. That’s the other key word : Inspiration. One of the 6 languages the divine use for communicating with its offsprings. It’s Spiritlets. 

That “restless voice” probably was what prodded the Israelites to enter the promise land. But to enter needs courage. Courage also to abandon the old and courage to deal with the new. You know the realtors voice when you know you will regret it the rest of your life if you do not seize it !


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