When God Doesn’t Make Sense ?

Great question !! Juz a thot came to me …problem starts when we think there is a God up there that plays God when God has empowered us to be Gods….. problems as in questions, questions such as if there is a loving God why is there suffering in the world ? Questions asked by grieving parents , questions asked by people in predicaments. There are no good answers to these question. Why bad things happens to good people ? Why when God doesn’t make sense ??

However, I think it’s the way the western minds have constructed the view of God is the cause of all these confusions. Especially as espouse by Christianity. That there is an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience Being that they refer to as Heavenly Father that loves the world. but occasionally allows bad things happen to good people. There seemingly is a contradiction!

Whereas the Eastern minds or philosophies like Buddhism the primary tenet , observation and starting point is Life is suffering. And in Taoist philosophy there is no fatherly heavenly being figure. 

The difference is the western mind seeks to understand  God that is non physical, non material, non visible and probably cannot be understood. 

The Eastern mind however seeks to harmonise and flow with this Great Loving Universal Energy (GLUE) and in the process gain an inner knowingness !!

By remaining and staying in harmony and flow of this Great Loving Universal Energy is the straight and narrow path. 

And how to remain in harmony and flow ? The Bible is quite specific and explicit : “Be Still And Know I am God !” And what is Flow ? “In Him we move and breathe and have our Being !” The church talks about it but has lost the teachings of how to actually Flow in Christ !

Christianity is a middle eastern religion. At least it was started by a Jew and for the Jews and maybe for the rest of the world but mainly for the Jews. It was exported to Europe and eventually a kJV Bible in 1611 after several translations from Aramaic (language Jesus spoke) to Hebrew to Greek to Old English to several versions of English. I believe some of the original words of Jesus and the Apostles were lost in translations. As firstly each generation tries to reconcile the Bible world to their own and secondly to reconcile whatever they don’t understand to a more palatable acceptable way of thinking. 

It’s not so much when God doesn’t make sense but when the church doesn’t make sense. It’s time to return to the origin. The true worshippers worship in Spirit & in Truth !

Jesus talks about The Way, The Truth and The Life but the Church talks about Jesus except The Way Jesus talks about. At least some still do talk about Jesus while others has gone tangent in search of The Way. 



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