God’s 3 Responses

 The mind of empowerment. We are empowered when we accept the problem we are facing. The difference between the Buddhic mind and the christian mind (and I say christian to make it distinct from God or Jesus or Christ) is Prayer. I think no other religion have Prayer meetings like the christians do. In fact I wonder what would Jesus think ? They have prayer circle, prayer chains, 24 Hour prayer sessions. In fact it seems they do nothing but prayer. As if they can change the circumstances and the situation of they pray. They prayed beforehand and CoVid still came. They prayed during CoVid and it still remain and best of all churches closed due to CoVid. Well one victory they can claim, they prayed Trump into the White House . 

The buddhic mind as far as I know, do not have a God like the christian they can pray to. They therefor have no prayer meetings. What they do have is Meditation. Quietness and silence. Interestingly in Psalm 91 , it says “Be still and Know I am God”. Maybe the christians should take note. 

The christian mind the world is perfect or at least perfect in the Garden of Eden before man sin. No, actually was the woman. Eve was deceived because she wanted better and the man ? He was just weak !

The Buddhic mind, the starting point is Life is suffering (karma) and/but there is a reason and there’s something you can do to make it better (dharma)

Problem with modern christianity it externalises God. In fact this religion we called christianity I am beginning to think it’s an adaption of the real thing when it got romanised and anglicised over the years and countless revision and interpretations of the Bible. 

I recently have the opportunity to attend a Bible college introduction session on one of their semester course “Interpreting the Bible”and it cost $2000. The joke is when I reflected on it, the bible -God’s word is supposedly  a religious text of a religion that’s suppose to liberate and set the captives free it’s sure has a complex way of showing the Truth.  It sure will fail the Mckinsey’s 30 seconds elevator pitch. If it were not  religion it sure would have bankrupt long ago. 

It will make any well searching spiritual christian or person cringe to hear that God answers in 3 ways. Yes, No , Maybe. WTF ! It surely is said by someone who does not really know God. 


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