It’s Ok Let Yourself Be Seen (Matt 5:16 Another Take on the verse)

It’s ok let yourself be seen. Let your Light Shine ! So that the world is awed. And the world is really awed by true strength. We genuinely show our appreciation to feats of extraordinarisms. We really do. It’s like one small step for man but one big step for mankind. And we represent humanity when we do extraordinary things even tho we may be just ordinary souls. But the thing is people see not just our exploits but they also subconsciously if not explicitly know there’s a supernaturalness about the whole thing. And for a moment they also feel inspired, motivated, challenged and even EMPOWERED. And at that stage you know God is present.

“Glorify God in Heaven” - Basically means showing awe to something beyond our human imagination and strength. Something extraordinary. Different people show their appreciation differently. My grandmother show hers differently from my mom and my mom to her sisters. I am just saying we need to allow variety of expressions. If you are the type that shows it in church, fine. Just that God is not confine in a place. If you are the outwardly silent type then so be it. Even making love there are the screamers, there are the moaners and there are the silent. LOL.


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