Mark 10:21: Young Rich Ruler (Another take on the verse)

O by the way Jesus is not white. Lol. As I was choosing a picture to depict this verse, there were quite a few white Jesus. Then I stumbled upon this one. Took me a few milli seconds actually to adjust my mental construct. LOL. 

The quote by Mark10:21 and Buddha has to do with giving up some things of ours, tangible or intangible. Could be our pet poodle or our pet ideas or the Prada bag to put the pooch in. Hmm actually why not ?? Abit over the top but why not ?? As long as it doesn’t weigh us down !

Jesus told the young rich ruler to give up and follow him. The church has made it into a life of sacrifice. I chose this Mark 10:21 picture because below the verse the author has added in a quote “salvation comes at a cost but not one you will have to pay”

To follow Jesus he was told but what does it mean ? Leave his fathers house, his lifestyle ,live a life of vagabond, preaching to the lost ?? Secondly, what has giving up everything to become a vagabond anything to do with salvation ? Thirdly what is salvation ? To many in the church salvation equals going to Heaven. Or rather not going to hell. Truth be told salvation equals not going to hell not so much as I’m going to heaven. If people were happy to go to heaven why hang on to life on earth ? So the church has missed the point of this verse. 

To follow Jesus is to be liberated but somehow we feel more confuse and sorrow by this Bible verse. The way Buddha interpret the verse or should I say describe the idea as he came 500years before Jesus. He say give up everything that weighs you down. Usually things that weighs us down are created by our false self. Find it and once free live as you want as free man !

But it’s so clear. “Give up everything that weighs me down”. I can understand and apply it to my earthly spiritual life practically.

* the Christians like to say the Bible (the printed compiled 66 books) is the inspired word of God. Well I can safely say no many Christians take Mark 10:21 seriously and literally. They always have a way to wriggle out if these troublesome verses.


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