Sexuality & Spirituality

If sex is a large part of the life then it’s a topic that’s really missing in religion and in church which supposedly has the  answers to the mystery in Life. “And the two male & female shall become one”. It’s not just physically there are one, but energetically and spiritually. How many people and married couples have reach that stage of oneness with each other ? I think even some are legally married but never spiritually or energetically became one. For sure they had sex and procreate but never became the sound of one hand clapping. They never did become one. And if they never become one, in the eyes of spirituality they were never married (joined/union in mind body soul and spirit) at all. And what was never joined why the need to separate(divorce) ? 

“What God has joined….” 
Joined in Mind body soul and spirit. 
The ring is but a cheap token of that unity
That “yoga” of mind body soul and spirit
And when a couple have reached that
Level of deep soul unity 
And has merged as One
“Let no man put asunder”
Actually it should read 
“No man can put asunder”

“Marriage is a spiritual thing not a legal thing“
Marriage in one word is ONENESS !

Sex is about energy (qi)
Energy is Life
Life gives Life

Heard many a times in marriage counselling that the one thing in marriage is commitment. Yes true and of course there must be commitment. Question is, that commitment is a mental thing, an emotional thing, a psychological thing, a rational thing or a spiritual thing. Your answer will determine your course of action. 



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