Matthew 13:45-46 : Pearl of Great Price (Another take on the verse)

This is the Pearl of great price. Soul. Our soul in the things we do. Where our heart is there is also our treasure. 
The thing that makes us tick. The thing that world champions are made of. The reasons they train the way they do. The sacrifices they made while their peers are enjoying life. The feel alive. Don’t just do. Don’t just say. Don’t just think. Let your being encompasses with soul in words actions and deeds. Soul. Life. God. That’s the Pearl of great price. Your Ikigai !!!

And when you find it , do it with all your heart, mind and soul and in one accord. That’s “loving the Lord thy God with all your heart mind and soul” not some churchy concept of going to church, read your Bible, join connect group, go outreach, WWJD, attend prayer meeting, go Bible studies, pay tithes & give offering and pledge to Building fund. And last but not least give to mission. 

Just as a couple is One. So Christ and the church. But before we externalise the relationship or see it from the perspective with another we must be one with and within ourself. Then we align with Heaven and Earth. Astrology above and Fengshui Below. And become one with the great cosmos and universe and when we are alight we are in “Love” and in “Light” with everyone and everything. 


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