Sedona Method : Another way of Letting Go


The difference between biblical vs the secular spirituality. The biblical perspective of life and living is couch in judgement from an external source. An external source that condemns or bless. 

Secular spirituality on the other hand tends to be more practical and in a way more compassionate. It empathises. From time to time, people pen down their experiences of their sufferings and sometimes they go a step further to tell how they have overcome their problems. Over time a certain pattern can be seen and how they overcome using the “method”. 

The subject is Forgiveness. The biblical perspective is that you have to forgive so God will forgive you. Ok so I am hurting and I need to forgive so God can forgive me for a wrong that I didn’t do. What baloney is that crap ?!

Forgiveness is basically letting go. And Sedona is a simple method that has helped many in Letting Go. A big part of letting go is understanding what had happened. And Sedona is one method. So is NLP. So is Maum Meditation. Like what I have been harping in this blog is don’t get too hang up with the names and labels. The main thing is you are helped. You are helped by whatever method. Just like why they call it Mixed Martial Arts because these martial artists are multi skilled and trained in many and various arts. They operate at a very high level and have specialised alot of techniques and skills and have mixed them up and make it their own. That’s why also they are called Artiste. It’s an art form. They have made it into an Art. Say the objective is to punch the head, regardless if it’s a TKD punch or Karate punch or Boxing or JKD or Jujitsu or whatever you will still use a hand and a fist or the feet and leg if it’s a kick. The point is don’t get caught up with the labels, techniques or methods. Learn them mix them up and make it your own. 

Secular spirituality is practical and its objective and its direct. If certain method don’t work for you , try another. If Aspirn doesn’t work, try Panadol or Neurofen. 

And how letting go is good for our own physiology and how it relates to 七情六欲 is a topic for another time .


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