Luke 14:25

 Luke 14:25 or what is known as the Cost of Discipleship verse is also another misinterpreted and misconceived verse. Here Jesus is saying if you want to be his disciple one must count the cost first if one is willing to pay the price which is “giving up everything including hating one’s parents”. Hmmm 🤔 

Firstly question. Discipleship means having a teacher a guru. One trains to attain the mastery of the art or whatever the discipline the teacher is instructing . So what is Jesus exactly teaching ? The church has made it out that to be a follower of Jesus means following him. Thinking about him, talking about him and doing what Jesus will do ! But the thing is Jesus did a lot of things and say we can do a lot of things in fact he said we can do more things than him !! In reality being a disciple for the church is bible study, Bible knowledge, church service, cell groups, evangelism (to boost attendance numbers in actuality), prayer meetings . 

Houston we do have a problem. Jesus turns water into wine not necessarily we should or do it for the sake of wa ring to do it but the fact is Jesus as been said turn water into wine. Whether we do or not is immaterial but the ability is there. However the church is talking about boosting cell numbers, service numbers , etc. 

There’s 2 very different picture that’s is presented here. The Jesus version of what he is teaching and what the church is saying !!

So Jesus is saying you really want to learn “my trade” you have to be all in.  It just simply saying “I am a Christian” which basically what most generally are saying. “Are you a Christian ?” As if it gives an exclusive membership to the Jesus Club and one way ticket to Heaven. The church however and most Christian think and behave as if going to church is fulfilling the christian obligation and making Jesus happy ??!!

So what is the Trade Jesus is in ? What’s the “I must be about my Father’s business” about ?” Jesus is talking about his “business” the church is talking about him ??!!

We need to start to talk about “The Trade” of the son of God and not just about the son of God which actually I don’t think many knows what that exactly mean ??! LOL

It’s The Trade that we need to give up everything so we can mater it. We need to be all in !!

To be continued ….


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