Before Adam had the knowledge of good & bad, he was flowing perfectly in harmony with the universe, cosmos and nature. Just like the animals. He was operating on instinctual knowledge. He was doing everything right even though he may not have full understanding of why certain thing was the way it was. But he knew it was the right thing to do. Then one day Eve asked him whether he had considered other options, whether he has thought of it. Maybe Eve herself had other ideas and wanted to explore other avenues so subtly suggest to Adam to use his logical thinking.

Thus they lean unto those own understanding to make plans & decision instead of flowing with the Spirir. Just like a well designed machine, everything is in place for a reason. If one item is out it affects the whole system. Thus man is out of sync and has been in fire fighting mode since trying to mage it good. 

The way to live as Man is designed is to live flowing in the spirit what that means in practical terms is to live animalistically by instinct fueled by inspiration and ideas that comes intuitively. 

Therefore it is said “God” writes his laws in our heart, don’t need commandments that’s written on stones to tell us what to do. 

Proverbs written by Solomon advises to lean not to our own understanding. In fact the way to do this is not deciding not to and so called trust God as christian say but three words sums it all up : “Just Do It !!”


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