1. Jesus went away alone. Solitude
. Quiet time
. Closet time
. Reflection & Contemplation
. Problem with the evangelical and Pentecostal churches is that it’s not grounded in practical spiritual practice. It keeps wanting to do do do. But not grounded. And they do not have the spiritual technology or methodology for their followers.
. In the other hand the mainstream denominations they are grounded but also lack spirituality. Grounded in the physical realm but not spiritually.
2. Challenging Situations (especially those concerning life affecting the core of our very being and welfare. In other words crisis. Health crisis, financial crisis, personal crisis, relational crisis, mid life crisis whatever crisis. When the rubber meets the road as the saying goes. When the skin is in the game. And life is real no head in the sand. No fantasy or ungrounded ideologies that requires nothing but realistic pragmatic head on tackling of the issue at hand. It’s easy to talk about philosophy, values, beliefs when the skin is not in the game.Talk is cheap.) when things become real, you will be tested to see what you are made off. Any fantasy or false teachings or unworkable theories will be discarded in place of what is real that comes from the experience. Real growth happens then. The spirit man grows and not just knowledge that puffs up.
. Challenging environment
. Challenging mission
. Explaining & teaching the Jews the real meaning
of spirituality.
. Challenging situations.
3. Band of Brothers
. Brother keeper
. Fellowship
. Assembly
. “For the scripture is good for instructions, teachings and reproof
Stephen Covey calls it the True North. The Japanese calls it Ikigai.
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