Phillipians 4:6

Anxiety is equivalent to stress. Stress leads to imbalance of the body’s physiology. Causes the body’s chemicals, hormones, metabolic rate to go haywire and out of sync and cells go haywire also. Wickedness and diseases follows the imbalance.  Immune system weakens. Inflamation and infection occurs.
Problems and crisis triggers the fear, flight freeze response causes stress to the body’s physiology including chemicals, metals, hormones and metabolism as cortisols and adrenals increase. In the long term if the imbalances is not restored to equilibrium the body’s system compensate and over compensate the weakness of the body system thus developing chronic illnesses that sometimes becomes irreversible. 

The mind is the controller of the body’s response to external stimuli. Problem that’s causes stress are to be dealt not in the physical plane but in the spiritual
Plane. We are to do our problem solving in the spirit. In the Alpha zone. In the meditative state. When the mind is at rest and in a very low frequency. The state usually found just before we are fully awake. Delink problem solving from the body’s physiology. The body in the physical realm requires joy and peace that surpasses understanding. It is used to execute the spirit’s desires it shouldn’t have a mind of its own. The only mind is in the spirit. Every problem solving is to be done in the spirit real, the secret place. If done in the mental realm of the physical plane, the mind goes haywire, the mind has no fuel to solve the problem , when it tries to on the empty, it goes into stress, worry, anxiety mode and creates a whole myriad of problems and vicious cycle of body’s system shut down or overdrive and the mind gets fried too in the process and people go mad. Thus every thinking must be done in the Alpha State where the mind of man and God is one making it as if there’s only one mind. 


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