1972 : Mao met Nixon
1974 : Andy Warhol paints Mao
1976 : Mao passed away (after meeting Nixon and Andy Warhol’s portrait of him) at 82.

. 8000 Terracotta Army of  Emperor Qi was discovered 
. Xi Jin Ping enters politics
. Andy Warhol paints Mao

Qin united China and kept the barbarians out
Mao united China and kicked the barbarians out
Xi strengthen the unity and take the fight to the barbarians. 


What if God is not who or what we think he is ? From the perspective of a Christian God and what the church made him out to be and what the Bible say about him or it. Christianity allude God to be like a Father. Which is fine. It implies that God is an entity. Omnipotent, Omni presence, omniscience but still an entity and a singular entity at that. It has a personality. It is some sort of being that man is born in its image. Implying that it might be like humans. Christians pray to their God who is like a Father but in 3 forms. 

What if God is just pure energy which has certain virtues. But it has “no mind” on its own in the earthly realm. It needs the kind of man to translate that powers to something meaningful and purposeful. 

For example in the Bible it’s says God spoke to Moses at the burning Bush and at Mt Sinai and given him the 10
commandments on stone tablet. How did God gave him ? How did God make the 10 commandments out of stone in ? How did God tell Moses exactly to lead the Israelites out ? In person. ? Or did Moses had an “Inspiration” an “Impression” a “conviction” ? Like sometimes we get , a hunch, an impression, a conviction ??

Many decades later will the religious historian in China say that about Xi ? That he heard the voice of God and God gave him the mandate to lead the 1.3Billion Chinese to the China Dream and unite the world thru one belt one road. 

The point here is not in political history or events but the God we think we know may not be as we think he is or what the church, the Christians make out of it.

Moses, Xi, LKY and the great leaders they tapped into a power that transported them and inspired them according to their dictate. Moses had a compassion for the Hebrews. He had the training physical and spiritual . He had the knowledge and skill. And all came together when he saw the burning bush. And goose bumps came all over him. He knew it’s not just him but there is a greater power working in him and thru him. But no, no person stood there and talk to him like he is a child and give him instruction  , no !!!!!  A million times no. How we think “God” speak to us is how he “talk” to Moses. Moses just had because of his spiritual training in the pharaoh’s palace and he fine tuned it in the Desert. 

So no ! Don’t wait for “God” to “talk” to you then act. You on the other hand should connect and take hold and tap into this “Power” and recreate your environment and reality. 


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