Genesis 3:7 : And they knew they were naked


No. Man was not design by God to have free will. Man became free to will when his “eyes” was opened when they ate the “fruit” from the “tree” of  the knowledge of Good and evil. Meaning to say , he can choose what he like or dont like decide what is good for him and what is not .

The “sin” is having free will. That’s why in Baptism when we enter the water , symbolically we closed our eyes. So our spirit return to God and lead our lives by instinct in him

We don’t make conscious choice anymore but everything is inspired and led by the Spirit

The mission of Jesus, the “Last man, 2nd Adam” is to restore mankind back to be the “Original Man”. He is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek. In the Book of Enoch Shem was identified as the Melchizedek that offered bread and wine (Communion) to Abraham. That lineage and it’s the author’s opinion did not start from Shem. Shem inherited it from his up line. And by logical extension, it has to go all the way back to Adam. 

They realised they were naked. When their eyes was opened, their Light, their divine Auras receded , they no longer exuded energy, auras and Qi. They use clothing as a physical substitute for what they lost spiritually .


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