Matt 6:3

 This verse is about the principle of not letting your left hand know what the right hand is doing. Basically pay no thoughts to your actions. Just flow. Just do it. Follow the instinct, follow the inspiration. Follow the 

It can be further expanded to mean be in the present moment forget what happen 1 minute ago and pay no thoughts to 1 minute ahead. 

There is a place for this application and it’s not about planning or not planning. Organising or not organising. It’s about the execution phase after all is said and has been said and all planning and thinking has been done

It’s about a state of consciousness rather than a phase in living. It’s a state of mind and consciousness. And this state of being is the “secret place”. The “secret place” Psalm 91 talks about. 

And what In Daoist religion tradition, Zixiao 紫霄 is the name of the palace where the Lord Immortal Laozi 老子 (the author of the Daoist canon, the Daodejing 道德經) lives. It is often referred to as a sacred place where people live in freedom, peace, and harmony. 

All religion describes man, his state of being and his existence within the cosmos but man has made religions to be an end in itself. Man created religion, religion did not create man. It’s a manual for man. It’s not a manual of God or for God. Religion is for man to u set stand himself within the wider context of the universe and cosmos and beyond. How he is suppose to live wholistically with nature and with the 3rd dimension. That’s what Gurdjieff tried to say and encapsulate in The Fourth Way.


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