Matthew 6:24
Again the interpretation by the Greco-Roman centric church causes a lot of misunderstanding of this verse. Making it a choice of God or Money !!
(Please define what God is ? Ask a hundred people this question and you probably get 100 different answers)
Christianity was a religion born out of Greco-Roman influence “The Way” 道 as preached by the Jewish Yeshua is a different thing altogether.
Anyway coming back to this verse. It’s not about choosing God or money In fact what the church means by tay is that you must serve the Church as it becomes synonymous with serving God.
It’s not a choice between money and God. The debate is not between God and money. Sure money has its associated problem but the problem is not with money but men’s attitude and subsequent actions and reactions towards money. Money does not cause envy, covetousness or jealousy , it’s men’s mind and heart that harbour such feelings and thinkings.
Anyway by saying you choose God, what are you actually saying ?
Jesus was jewish and his teachings are twisted by the Greco-Roman culture and subsequently the European and American culture.
In fact Judaism was born out of not Israelites but from Abraham who is not jewish but from the land of Ur which was a Sumerian city in Mesopotamia. But ultimately it all traces back to the Origin- “Adam & Eve” .
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