Jesus did not claim he was The Son Of God.

 Jesus did not claim that he is the Son of God. ‘As in The only begotten Son Of God’The followers wanted to make him out as The Son Of God of Virgin Birth. But Jesus never claim he was The Son Of God. 

In fact this concept of Trinity - Father.Son.Holy Spirit what does it actually mean ? I mean theologians have a field day at it but frankly nobody understands it although they might accept it at face value without any real understanding and knowingness of it 

Jesus was despised and rejected by his people. He was rejected because he seemingly was telling them they were wrong. They were expecting a messiah. And the messiah that came instead of saving them like Moses instead rebuke the and exhort them to turn away from the religion of their father’s. That was what Jesus was doing because he was preaching then the highest truths that has no name, no label. In Pontius Pilate court he both offended his own people and also offended the country’s highest official and court . At that point who was he ? He turned his back on his own people and fail to embrace the land he was in. He was nobody and yet he was everybody/ in Spirit he became the Universal Man -Adam. 

Thus the only path is the path of the universal man. 


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