Ephesians 6:17-18

 Sword Finger Mudra 

Often neglected in Taijiquan Form practice is the hand. It cannot be too limp or too stiff just like any other part of the body. It literally points the way directionally of the energy being issued out of the body. Any part of the body can cause a dysfunction of the whole.  

In the practice of Taiji Sword the obvious asymmetry is offset by placing the other empty hand into the sword mudra. In Taijiquan, we train our self to move energy kinetically through the whole-body root to palm. This is a preliminary training to be able to issue energy naturally out of the body (Fa Jin). 

In Jian / sword (double edged blade) practice, we extend this ability to the tip of the sword. Often missed is the empty hand and how it works with the sword holding hand reenforcing and further unifying the whole body to deliver energy outward. 

In Taiji Qigong practice, often the sword finger mudra is used singularly or doubled to focus the whole-body's energy to a tip like a razor-sharp acupuncturist's needle. It is the mind's internal intent to form the needle that activates the fingers' energy. 

It is not magical. Consider how raising the hand up, thrusting it forward quickly with intent in the "stop shape" silently coveys with great urgency, danger! Mudra is not merely shaping the hand, but the fortification of the mind's message behind it. Raising balled up fists is not a good idea. It conveys a threating telegraphed attitude even before a single punch is thrown. Look calm. Feel calm. The whole body and mind's attitude is the Mahamudra / Great Mudra.


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