John 1:4

In him was Life. Right.
Life was the Light of men. Right.
Now Go Shine !!

Don’t just proclaim about Jesus
Live the Life !!
Shine the Light !!

All Authority has been given him.
And so you !!
Now Go & make disciples !!

Don’t just talk
And keep taking
Sounds very good
But no practical good. 

Be Natural
Let your action speaks
Louder than your words
Actually be Silent
That’s when “God” is loudest

The western Greco-Roman’s
Church with European and American
Influence has lost it. 
They have silent their own contemporaries 
that speaks the Truth
The Evangelical and Protestant church
are groundless.
Have a form of godliness but
Deny the power thereof.

Jesus is The Way
He major in Life
The church major in him
In his story and parables
Nothing about The Way
That the Last Man, 2nd Adam
Speaks about
The High Priest in the order
Of Melchizedek.

In Him was Life (精,神)
The very Light of Man (气)
The very bad is for Life
Original Life

Let your Light Shine
Your Purpose
Your Effort
Your Money

Even your Business
The word for Business in Chinese
Is literally
Life’s Purpose

And when you found it 
Like the man that finds a great Pearl
Give all you have
All your Heart, Mind and Soul
In the pursuit of it. 

For where your Heart is
There your Treasure is also.
The Kingdom of God.
Is Near.
Is Withjn you.
Is without you. 
Is everywhere.



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