John 14:6


The “I am” in John 14:6 is the same “I Am” reference in 
John 8:58. Jesus wasn’t referring to his physical self he was refering to himself in the spirit. He was walking so in tune with himself and with God consciousness that he identify himself with the God consciousness with authority and power. 

Just like say the aboriginals in Australia are the custodian of the land just because they were there before the whites came. Now is reverence and in respect to the “originals” of the land they refer to the aboriginals as custodian of the land. 

However if anyone is operating in tune with the highest values of the human spirit as a human being operating with the highest universal values of human being and say anyone including the aboriginals do not subject themselves to the values of a human society than that person can say before you were as in the aboriginals , even before them that person in the spirit can say before you guys I was already here in the spirit. 


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