Spirit of Sabbath


The Spirit of Sabbath :

Qingjing 清靜 refers to a pure, tranquil state of the body and mind; it is the highest state of Qigong and other Chinese inner cultivation practices. As Laozi states in his Qingjingjing 清靜經 (Tranquility Classics), ren neng chang qing jing tian di xi jie gui 人能常清静天地悉皆歸 “Heaven and Earth will return to your body if you can remain in Qingjing.” In order to reach this state of Qingjing, we have to embody Wuwei 無爲. generally, we translate Wuwei as “action-less” in English. There is a common misconception in the West that the meaning of action-less is do nothing. Wuwei does not mean do nothing! In fact, Wuwei is an action. The action of Wuwei is exceedingly different from our regular daily activities. When we expend our energy through our general actions of daily living, we feel physically tired or/and mentally exhausted at the end of the day. However, if we turn our mind within and focus on our body, we will feel great and completely


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