Isaiah 53:2 : Plain Vanilla Guru


Spiritual Nutrition by Gabriel Cousens page 76

Each Enlightened Being is an individual Love song of the Divine that expresses differently in each moment as the Absolute plays through the individual soul, or neshama, as its source. Because of individual karmas we are drawn to different expressions of Liberated Ones. There is no one expression of Enlightenment or one superhighway The Six Foun- dations are the roadway that help destroy the dream of one's individual existence separate from the breath of Yah. From this roadway, footpaths branch off, walked by the Liberated Ones. Yet all Enlightened Ones have one shared function: to help people wake up and stay awake - to share eyn zu-lo-to, Nothing but the One.

A Liberated One may appear completely regular in daily life. The great Chinese Master, Chuang Tzu, was said to appear as totally plain. In Hasidism, a form of ecstatic mystical Judaism, there is a tradition of the hidden tzadik. The original leader, the Baal Shem Tov, kept himself hid- den for years as a poor householder. In India this is also common. My spiritual uncle and second Guru, Swami Prakashanada, who in 1961 was acknowledged by Swami Muktananda to be in a Liberated state, lived very simply in two rooms. He sat quietly, just Being in his state of Love. Spiritual seekers as well as many spiritually advanced monks came from the surrounding area to experience his Love or share his right fel- lowship and wisdom. There were no tours or public relations promo- tions so common in the West. We did not think about power when around him, only about the Love and spiritual wisdom of his simple Non-Beingness. In Zen it is taught that we simply continue our daily tasks like chopping wood and carrying water. The point is that this post- Kundalini awareness can be found in the simple, regular, ecstatic nobod- ies who are often not recognized because of our own projections and expectation of what we think a spiritual teacher should be o


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