Pray for your enemies : What does it really mean ??

True victory does not come from defeating and enemy
True victory comes from giving love
And changing an enemies heart.

what does it really mean to pray for your enemies ? For him to prosper ? For him to be successful ? For his well being ? No !
Pray that he be transform by the Light !
And for that happen we first must ourselves be transformed. Till we are transformed we will never be able to pray that prayer.
Till we know and experience the Light of Love or the Love of Light we will and can never be able to pray for our enemies when we cant even pray for ourselves. 
Therefore again, the church and the teachings of pray for your enemies is wring and actually very harmful !
For a security guard it means not defeating, not detaining, not despising the thiefs, the perpetrators but seek a higher path of attempting to change their heart through maybe searing their conscience,.,,


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