Rom 8:38, Matt 6:33

Romans 8:38
Matt 6:33
Seek ye first the kingdom of God. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Except ourselves)

Once we find the Kingdom , everything else will be added to us. And nothing can separate us from God’s love. Then why do bad things happen to good people lest of all Christian ? 
What is the kingdom ?
What is God’s Love ?

The story of Job is pertinent here. Job was a God fearing religious man. Does religious and superstitious rituals to void evil. He does not know God. 

Only in chapter 42 he cries out and say, when he is awakened, when he is enlightened that “Ahhh before I only heard of you now I see you” meaning only now I know you. My spirit is touched !! My spiritual eyes are opened. 

Jesus said the kingdom of God is within. And the Psalmist says Be Still and Know that “I am God”. The passage to the kingdom of God is to Be Still. Meditation is the tool to Still the Mind,Body and Soul. This the Western centric, American-centric church does not know. In fact it’s the opposite , it’s ADHD, it’s Hyper. Plenty of noise and activities. Just the very opposite of Be Still !!

When our (ego) Mind shut down, our Spiritual Mind awake. The Tree of Life is our Spirit self. So when Eve in the Genesis story which is allegory partake of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and evil , what she did was allowing her ego mind to be awakened. In that instance the Spiritual mind took a back seat and receded to the “sub conscious” which should be our fore and primary consciousness. Genesis then says God forbid the fruit of Tree of Life to be eaten meaning in that ego state cannot be the enlightened state. Hitler and its archetypes is an example of when we are enlightened in our ego state. 


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