This is a framework for living and life called Merkaba. Another name and another label. It’s useful to have framework and there are many framework. As the saying goes, Learn the Way then Make your own way unique to you. Learn the framework then make your own framework for yourself. In the mean time see what you can learn from this Framework , take whatever that reasonates with you and take whatever you think works for you. Add to your existing life’s framework and make it better. The focus is our life and our living, all frameworks, religions and philosophies or concepts are but means to the end. Don’t get caught up by the labels focus on how it affects your life.
Showing posts from February, 2022
James 1:6-8 - 定 : Another take on the verse
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You might have heard the phrase “Power of Now” popularised by Ekart Tolle perhaps. Or the saying live in the present moment, the past is over, the future is not yet. You only have this moment. It’s easy when we are immersed and engrossed with something a passion some enthusiasm for the moment. A distraction , a holiday, but they are all temporary isn’t it. Many have speak about it not many has offered a clear and simple solution. And yet it has been with us over the ages and we may have accidentally discover it and some could have been born to do easier with it. The Word is 定. Don’t think there’s an equivalent English word that describe as powerfully as 定 (ding) To fixed onto a spot. To nail it to a spot. Like perhaps the poles of the earth. Fixed. And so fixed the mind. How ? You might ask , it’s really that simple but doing it might be tough and it takes practice. Martial art to me is the best discipline to learn 定. Usually we tell our friends or someone we are counselling or of...
Genesis 2:7 : And man became a living being (Another take on the verse)
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God’s 3 Responses
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The mind of empowerment. We are empowered when we accept the problem we are facing. The difference between the Buddhic mind and the christian mind (and I say christian to make it distinct from God or Jesus or Christ) is Prayer. I think no other religion have Prayer meetings like the christians do. In fact I wonder what would Jesus think ? They have prayer circle, prayer chains, 24 Hour prayer sessions. In fact it seems they do nothing but prayer. As if they can change the circumstances and the situation of they pray. They prayed beforehand and CoVid still came. They prayed during CoVid and it still remain and best of all churches closed due to CoVid. Well one victory they can claim, they prayed Trump into the White House . The buddhic mind as far as I know, do not have a God like the christian they can pray to. They therefor have no prayer meetings. What they do have is Meditation. Quietness and silence. Interestingly in Psalm 91 , it says “Be still and Know I am God”. Maybe...
James 2:26 Faith w/o Works is dead (Another take on the verse)
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Sexuality & Spirituality
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If sex is a large part of the life then it’s a topic that’s really missing in religion and in church which supposedly has the answers to the mystery in Life. “And the two male & female shall become one”. It’s not just physically there are one, but energetically and spiritually. How many people and married couples have reach that stage of oneness with each other ? I think even some are legally married but never spiritually or energetically became one. For sure they had sex and procreate but never became the sound of one hand clapping. They never did become one. And if they never become one, in the eyes of spirituality they were never married (joined/union in mind body soul and spirit) at all. And what was never joined why the need to separate(divorce) ? “What God has joined….” Joined in Mind body soul and spirit. The ring is but a cheap token of that unity That “yoga” of mind body soul and spirit And when a couple have reached that Level of deep soul unity...
All roads leads to Spirituality
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Truth be told , Truth has no name just as God has no name. Names and labels is for man’s sake. Man need to categorised things and need to belong and have an identity and on the lower plane of consciousness. Some have transcended race, culture, religion and language etc…and connect on the highest of consciousness. Once in awhile we will come across these people and some we call them earth angels or old soul or the grand uncle or grand Aunty. We connect with these people on the soul level. Even Apostle Paul said :
Ecclesiastes 3 : Time for everything (Another take on the verse)
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Mark 10:21: Young Rich Ruler (Another take on the verse)
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O by the way Jesus is not white. Lol. As I was choosing a picture to depict this verse, there were quite a few white Jesus. Then I stumbled upon this one. Took me a few milli seconds actually to adjust my mental construct. LOL. The quote by Mark10:21 and Buddha has to do with giving up some things of ours, tangible or intangible. Could be our pet poodle or our pet ideas or the Prada bag to put the pooch in. Hmm actually why not ?? Abit over the top but why not ?? As long as it doesn’t weigh us down ! Jesus told the young rich ruler to give up and follow him. The church has made it into a life of sacrifice. I chose this Mark 10:21 picture because below the verse the author has added in a quote “salvation comes at a cost but not one you will have to pay” To follow Jesus he was told but what does it mean ? Leave his fathers house, his lifestyle ,live a life of vagabond, preaching to the lost ?? Secondly, what has giving up everything to become a vagabond anything to do with salvation...
Mary vs Martha : True spirituality (Another look at the verse)
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Martha was worried about being nice. Making sure the vip guest is looked after probably with a very sincere heart as well. The worlds religion has turned spirituality into a moral code : To be nice. At its worst is to keep up with the appearance. To play the part. There is a place for it I guess sometimes. But in relation to Spirituality it has no place. True spirituality is being silent. To discover the divine within. To be recharge. True spirituality is about being connected to our Center . Our 2nd nature. True spirituality is not about doing nice things for others. I am not saying we shouldn’t. Doing nice things is part of the religious curriculum. Wheeeas nice things exudes out of one’s Spirituality.
Matthew 12:50 : Who is my mother ? Who is my brother ? (Another take on the verse)
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It’s Ok Let Yourself Be Seen (Matt 5:16 Another Take on the verse)
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It’s ok let yourself be seen. Let your Light Shine ! So that the world is awed. And the world is really awed by true strength. We genuinely show our appreciation to feats of extraordinarisms. We really do. It’s like one small step for man but one big step for mankind. And we represent humanity when we do extraordinary things even tho we may be just ordinary souls. But the thing is people see not just our exploits but they also subconsciously if not explicitly know there’s a supernaturalness about the whole thing. And for a moment they also feel inspired, motivated, challenged and even EMPOWERED. And at that stage you know God is present. “Glorify God in Heaven” - Basically means showing awe to something beyond our human imagination and strength. Something extraordinary. Different people show their appreciation differently. My grandmother show hers differently from my mom and my mom to her sisters. I am just saying we need to allow variety of expressions. If you are the type that shows ...
Recognising the Inner Voics
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That’s a good advise however if you are questioning the validity of the voice whether it’s from you or not then you are firstly not in the right place Spiritually speaking. If you are in the right frequency , there’s is no questioning the source of the voice. It’s only when you are outside looking in and not inside looking out then you are in the right place and you know that you know So always be in the zone. In the Spirit and you will not need to be schizophrenic. Second guessing yourself all the time
John 14:27 : (Another Take on the verse)
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“The whole world is inside of you; in your perspectives, in your heart. “ another way of saying is “The Kingdom of God is within you” we must go within to discover our true self. The moment we discover our authentic self, we are reconnected with “God”….because we are it’s Image. “Who you are is where God is ?” Jesus put it this way “We are temples of the Holy Spirit” We are un-peace because sometimes we are not living true to our True North. To access our True North , just simply Be Still, Be Silent .
Genesis 1:2 (Anotjer take on the verse)
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“ Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way.“ Basically it means don’t be too attached to any one form of labels. Learn from it. Learn everything you can from them. Then be yourself and do your own way. Form your own art. Not for anyone else but for yourself. Same with religion, race or language or anything. Learn from it all then blend it to form something unique. Even the above quote is not original at least the essence of it is not original it has been said in Genesis 1:2. Just that the church interprets it funny. In recent times before Forbidden Kingdom and the character played by Jet Li, a more popular martial artist that sensationalise the world said it, Bruce Lee, who in a real sense transcended race, religion and even the martial arts world itself. He transcended. But here is the thing we can be so captivated by the quote itself, by who said what, whether Bruce or jet...
Accept Suffering and be free from it
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Even Jesus said in this world you shall have tribulations. Basically problems. Problems that arises from limitations , scarcity, restrictions, inabilities, disabilities and everything that we don’t have answers to. That’s just human to be scared. The thing is the more we run away and run from the things that chase us the more we are haunted by it. I have been chased and attack by dogs several times and the thing is even when I ran from him I ran facing it. At no time my back was facing him. You just need to get away far enough out of his territory. In that sense it is not personal. (Updated 10 Aug 2022) Life is suffering. We are to bring Heaven down on Earth. Instead the modern church is focusing on exiting life and focusing of after life. Whereas Jesus is talking about Heaven in Earth.