
Showing posts from January, 2022

God In Everyday : Rainbow 🌈 appears as India 🇮🇳 raises its 1st Independence Flag

  Quoting  Wynford Vaughan Thomas of the BBC Reporting from Delhi on 15 August 1947 Frankly, I have never seen so many people. There must be here literally hundreds of thousands. A great swarming, excited, cheering, enthusiastic Indian crowd. There flies the flag, and behind it, the great monsoon clouds are piling up. A shower goes sweeping across the old Moghul fort. ANd a rainbow, a vivid rainbow breaks out right across the sky... a symbol. we all wish, who are here... for the future hope, and prosperity of the new Dominion of India.

Reverse the Sequence

  The original sequence of nature is inside to outside. Internal to external. “Rain” was from the earth. Rainbow was inside man. The external rainbow is but a reminder of the real rainbow of colours inside man residing in his energy centers.  And energy is from inside to outside. Qi and muscular strength.

Understanding leads to forgiveness


The Rainbow of the Soul is in Man

 The rainbow 🌈 was a symbol of God’s grace and mercy that he will not destroy the world thru flood again. The real symbol I think is to remind man of the Real rainbow 🌈 inside of him. It was the Pure Light of God that entered him and coloured him, in turn he is to give it his(man) unique spin and translate it into the world as pure light again albeit with his unique signature DNA. 

Divine Mind & Divine Energy (精.气.神)

God - the Universal Divine Mind & Divine Energy guided and empowered Jesus in his earthly ministry & as a person. Jesus was so in tune and merge with this Mind and Energy that he was “One With God”. So much so that his Aura, charisma, energy field and consciousness was beyond the natural.  



4 Noble Truths


Jesus didn’t come ready made ….he grew in stature and in wisdom

Jesus didn’t come ready made ….he grew in stature and in wisdom and in favour with God and man ! Today I adopted 4 men as my mentors. I just felt they fit the description of “stature and wisdom, favour with God and men”. Mature and steady. Head on shoulder. Common sense. Reliable. Friendly and helpful. Unpretentious and practical. They may not be the best in their field or very successful with trophies and accreditation or the best in theology or claim to understand the world or God but they exude an aura of leadership of manhood. What a man should be ! While others strive for fame and power they just wanted a quite and contented life. I guess depend on what you want and at this stage of my life I want some stability, some love, some warmth.  My  growing up environment was on the surface an ideal one, envy of all the people around me. But it was one of competition, suspicious, uncertainty, contradictions, insecurities, vulnerabilities, mistaken identity. My foundation wasn’t s...

God in Everyday : from 400ibs to lean mean fighting machine

  He said “I said to myself ….” Who is the I ? Who is the myself ? That’s the inspiration. That’s the 6Is. One of the 6Is

Kingdom Of God & Kingdom of Heaven

  The kingdom of God is not about God is about Man.The kingdom of Heaven is not about Heaven is about Earth. It’s about God in Man. It’s about Heaven on Earth. It’s about divinity coming to man not man to divinity. It’s about Heaven coming on Earth. 

God In Everyday : Mother forgives Drunk that smashes into her 3 Children

Image The mother of three children killed when an alleged drunk driver smashed into them in Sydney’s west on the weekend has said she won’t hate the man who was behind the wheel.

When God Doesn’t Make Sense ?

Great question !! Juz a thot came to me …problem starts when we think there is a God up there that plays God when God has empowered us to be Gods….. problems as in questions, questions such as if there is a loving God why is there suffering in the world ? Questions asked by grieving parents , questions asked by people in predicaments. There are no good answers to these question. Why bad things happens to good people ? Why when God doesn’t make sense ?? However, I think it’s the way the western minds have constructed the view of God is the cause of all these confusions. Especially as espouse by Christianity. That there is an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience Being that they refer to as Heavenly Father that loves the world. but occasionally allows bad things happen to good people. There seemingly is a contradiction! Whereas the Eastern minds or philosophies like Buddhism the primary tenet , observation and starting point is Life is suffering. And in Taoist philosophy there is no fathe...

Coexist in Harmony

CoExist not Attachment or Detachment  Harmonise not sacrificial love or it’s opposite conditional love  Coexist and Harmonise   

The 5 功 of Money

  I guess it can be said and applied to money as well. Gather, Store. Circulate. Purify (do, create meaningful & purposeful things), Emit (to do good, translate money in goods, services , products that promotes a better living environment. From an older posts, ownership is good. Ownership of things is not wrong but let the ownerships bring light to ourselves and then to the people around us. Share a Life to get more Life ! Thus it’s ok to keep some money for ourselves or even a lot !! The more we can gather and store the more good (purify) we can circulate and emit ! . Gather, Store . Purify, circulate . Emit (can also means multiple, synergy, leverage etc) Mife. 

It’s about creation not finding

 Yes Thank You ! Thank you ! Finally someone said it. It’s not about finding ourselves but creating. After all the Creator’s spirit is in us. Like a fish that probably doesn’t know it’s out of water till he is out of it, so are we. We are creatures that are meant to create. We are offsprings of Creation.  Salvation is but the discovery and recovery of our original self Jesus the 2nd Adam/Last man is the reorigination of the original and he came to restore us to the original ! He shows the way the truth and the life and he embodies it !   Don’t mean to get into semantics but in a way it can be interpreted as well, to find ourselves means to find our original self/spirit.  The stories of “God in Everyday” are real story of ordinary people that does extraordinary things because I believe they have a glimpse of their “Original Self” their super self more than others who are still lost.  The Christ spirit leads us back to the Origin back to the Father. Restored back ...

God in Everyday : Joseph Rochefort

“Almost Intuitively see the bigger picture”   Rochefort had the ability to take vast amounts of decoded data and almost intuitively see the bigger picture. Even more amazingly, he had an uncanny ability to predict what the Japanese would do next. He proved it on April 27, 1942, when his team decrypted Japanese coded messages asking for navigational charts of the Aleutian Islands (off Alaska). Days later, more decoded messages revealed the Japanese had requested charts of the Hawaiian Islands. The Aleutians were a given, but which of the Hawaiian Islands was next? Related Post Rule One of the Book of War: Do not march on Moscow – Unless You Are Polish! Conquering Moscow It's often said that Russia never was conquered by European powers. Despite the… In May, Rochefort predicted it would be the Midway Atoll. Everyone else was skeptical, but Fleet Admiral Chester William Nimitz (Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet) supported Rochefort. With the pressure on, Rochefort set a trap....

When an individual victory becomes universal victory !

  There’s something about the human spirit that wants to celebrate anothers’ individual victory as their own also. In a way we are all connected as a species where 1’s achievement or victory gives hopes, encouragement and even permission for another person and society at large to do better. We stand on the shoulders of Giants. We improve. Todays victory is tomorrow’s break through. Go Celebrate !!

The Importance of Daily Consistency

The importance of consistency. Practice makes perfect. Skipping a day of practice is like 10 days of no practice. Reminds me of my jogging routine. Every time just when I am getting a nice momentum somethings happens to disrupt and the following day is like picking up a ton of weight. 

Are you Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable ?

 There are 3 Groupings within the 12 Zodiac Signs. The Cardinals, The Fixed and the Mutable. Cardinals are about direction and motion. Mutable are the socialites, they are mutable, easy going, they blend into the environment. The Fixed signs usually stigmatised by the characteristics of stubbornness which actually is born out of having some passionate ideals, ideas and inspiration . These people find it hard to change without changing the philosophy. For them to change they have to do a revamp of sorts.  Cardinals are about the Where. Fixed signs are about Why . And the Mutable is about How. In a society we have all the 3 and when 3 works together we live in harmony. As long as the Fixed is on the same page or road with the cardinals we are fine. And we need the Mutables to keep everyone in check and in happy mood and make the journey a enriching one. As they say it’s about the Journey. Mutables is about the Journey The Cardinals also but let them drive. We will not reach our ...

God hugging you ?

  Is this man, human being trying to project itself , how it feels how it gets sad, angry the whole gamut of emotions on a non-human entity, not physical ?  Does this non human non physical, can’t be seen entity care for a physical, material human being ? Ok, emotions is not physical. It’s not material. It’s human for sure. So emotions, what it is ? Is it spiritual ? While I don’t think it’s spiritual, it’s an interface between Spirit & Body’s response.  If the Spirit-God can hug you how will it be ? If his response cannot be physical, what then is the spiritual equivalent of hugging ? Is hugging a human trait ? I mean I hug someone or comfort someone because I sympathise I empathise with them. Giving them moral support and a shoulder to cry on in lieu of solving their problems or solutions. I mean if I can make good why hug when you can provide a solution ? Having said that I think or at least I am going to be aware of how “God’s hug” feels like !

It’s in us to help another out.

  Mr Sharky is in trouble. Does it deserve help ? Well lucky for him, 2 gentlemen decided to help him get into the water. So many things going on here although it’s seems just like a normal thing to do, to help a mate out. But again Me Sharky is not exactly a mate is he ? And the men could get hurt just trying to help him and I doubt he knows or can be grateful to them. But again there is something in us that just wants to help another out who is struggling. There is something inherent in us that just wants to give a lending hand. There is something pitiful as well. A sorry sight to see a king struggling. He is so near and yet so far away to his environment. Just a few feet and he is powerful as can be. And yet just few feet out he is moments from death. Such is life .  Are the men tempting fate ? Or following their innate instinct to prevent a life taken away. Life protects Life. 

Caveat Emptor But Carpe Diem


Do Not Tempt Fate : Matt 4:7

  "Do not tempt the Lord your God". Did Jesus really believe that if he were to hurl himself out of the roof of the building, pummeling down to earth that he will not die ? Whatever he actually meant I think its more palatable to think in terms of modern day language "Do not tempt fate".  Again I guess there is a fine line between taking a leap of Faith and Tempting Fate. How we know which is which is only through training our spirit to differentiate the 2. 

Book : A Guide For The Advance Soul

Found this little spiritual book while spring cleaning to welcome in the Year of The Tiger ! It says : . Hold a problem in your mind . Open the book to any page . There is the answer  I like the sub title “A Book of insight” and “Insight” as I have posted previously is one of the language of the Spirit. The others are Intuition, Inspiration, instinct, Ideas and Impressions !! I dubbed it as the 6Is of Spiritual language.  Listen to them be versatile with them and you will have good success.

God in Everyday : Reita Faria : From a joke to Miss World in 17 Nov 1966

Image Back in 1966, a young girl from Maharashtra walked the ramp in a swimsuit, taking the world by storm. She entered a beauty contest as a joke, travelling to London with only three pounds and a suitcase full of borrowed clothes and shoes from her friends. It All Started as a Joke... Born on 23 August 1943 to Goan parents in Mumbai's Matunga, Reita Faria's father worked in a mineral water factory and her mother owned a salon in the city. Reita wanted to be a doctor. While she was studying at the Grant Medical College in Mumbai, one day, her friends jokingly asked her to participate in a beauty show. Reita took up the challenge and entered the Miss Bombay contest organised by the erstwhile  Eve’s Weekly  magazine.

God in Everyday : Sometimes when you know that you know ….

Adam Braun recounting the very day the name “Pencil of Promise” just pops into his head clear as crystal from nowhere. At that moment he knew that he knew that he has to do it.  It happened to Adam Braun. It happened to others as well. It happened to me one afternoon as I sat in my living room pondering whether to continue a small courier business started off as an Independent contractor for a transport company but was just not bringing enough money to cover basic costs ;  or call it quits before I invest more resources and energy into it. On the surface I should just cut loss and move on but I knew I wasn’t thru with it yet but didn’t know how to proceed. So as I close my eyes and quieten myself, a thought just pops into my head “why don’t you advertise on the online classified pages?” Without hesitation I did. I had learnt by then not to question these clear promptings and just do it ! However as I put in the advert, I was saying in my mind what name to call this service , I...

Tao 18 : Ten Commandments

大道廢, 有仁義;智慧出,有大偽;六親不和,有孝慈;國家昏亂,有忠臣。 The need for Ten Commandments arises because men no longer operate in the Spirit of Goodness. When men operate in harmony and in the Spirit, there's no need for external code of conducts. Its only when the Great Tao is not observed that the need for the "Ten Commandments" arises and whatever goodness, righteousness and courage is left will arise to defend the Tao.  Here Abraham bargain with God to spare the City from if there are 50 righteous people to 10 Righteous people. God agreed. He is merciful. He is reasonable. He uses his discretion. According to Tao 18 that's consolation, the real thing is everyone, the whole world in harmony. But because the world is out of tune and out of sync, Righteousness has to fill the void.  Hebrew 10:16   “This  is  the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,” That's  the real thing. ...

Tao 33 :

知人者智, 自知者明。 勝人者有力, 自勝者強。 知足者富。 強行者有志。 不失其所者久。 死而不亡者壽  

Forgive to Offset our Universe’s Debt

 “For if we forgive others their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you” …. So does that mean if we don’t the Heavenly Daddy also won’t forgive us ? We shall come back to address that question. There are situations inevitably as we go through life that we will be trespassed and it really need not be anything big or serious. For example someone’s earphone is so loud that it just annoys us especially in the library or the car that moves off  just a millisecond slower than we like at the lights or someone sneezes so loudly that it invaded our space, a friend that is late for a date, things like that we get cross we get annoyed. We are in a trespass situation. And we would like some apologies, some justice, some explanation, some compensation . Well next time count it all Joy my brothers & sisters when you are in a Tresspass situation. For you can use that to offset your cosmic/divine tresspass. You can get to knock it off. Look I really don’t know what that ve...

Discovering the Authentic Self

(Starting from just $25 for a whole year. Seems like a good deal !! While it cannot tell you who your authentic self is, I believe it can show you the way to self discovery which is the best way !) Some take walks, some do journals, some just talk it out, some meditate , do whatever that suits you to discover if not recover your authentic self.    Maybe this is someone’s Burning Bush moment ! Moses found his authentic self at the mesmerising Burning Bush moment .

God in Everyday : what it means to be Born Again ?

 “ Don't ask what the world needs.   Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it !" John 3:5   Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and  the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The very practical down to earth, alive to heaven answer to what does it mean to be "Born Again" ? .... Ask what makes you come alive....     “What the world needs is people who have come alive !” When one has figure that out he has transcended or on the road to it if not already at the door step. 

Tao 49 & Transcedence = Born Again !!

The Saints are like children, in the Tao, in the Kingdom of God, Transcended the everyday life. They have merge with the higher consciousness and merge with the greater spirit at large. Unaffected by the small stuffs and see sawing moods. The just shall live by faith alone for without faith it’s impossible to “please God” - align with the flow of spiritual energy. If we doubt,  if our “eyes” are not whole, our spiritual energies are diffused.  In that higher consciousness the saints who are ordinary people could even be the Uber eats driver or the student in the lecture hall they transcend the everyday and merge with heaven, earth and everyone. He or she doesn’t care the state of the other being but continues to do and be good and continue to let light shine . Matt 10:16  Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. (Others might be evil but you, you continue to be and do good) Matt 5:44  But I sa...

God in Everyday : “that restless voice”

  This is the story about what happens when you acknowledge that there’s more for you to become, and that you don’t have to have enormous resources to make a difference in the world. It’s a story about what can unfold when inspiration strikes and you realize that the rewards of living a purposeful life are rich and lasting. It’s the story of my life (although I have changed the names of several people at their request), but it’s a story that can belong to anyone. But deep down inside, I was no longer enamored with the life I’d created. The only purpose I was serving was self-interest. While I rarely showed it to outsiders, my happiness waned day after day. A restless voice kept me up at night, telling me that until I found meaning , the money wouldn’t matter. (That probably is the correct interpretation of do we serve God or Mammon : Do we just work for money and more money and money is the end of the mission or do we serve a greater purpose and still get paid for it : Ikigai !”) A...

Ecclesiastes & Tao48

Ecclesiastes    16  I said to myself, “Look, I have increased in wisdom more than anyone who has ruled over Jerusalem before me; ( R )  I have experienced much of wisdom and knowledge.”   17  Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, ( S )  and also of madness and folly, ( T )  but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind. For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; ( U   the more knowledge, the more grief.

Entering into His Courts with Praise ! …. How ?

 Entering into the Presence of God…. . Feel Nature with your Body …. feel the wind on your skin, feel the sun on your body, feel the water on your hands, feel the leaves 🍃 feel the grass on your soles  . Feel Nature with your Mind …. Imagine the feeling of the tree bark with your mind, imagine the softness of the clouds, imagine the golden threads of sunlight . Feel Nature with your Soul  ….. relax, breathe 🧘🏻‍♀️, calmness, feel the feelings , listen to the birds, the waves, the rustling, the laughter …feel and allow your Spirit to be lifted up !! ….wait till somewhere inside break forth in singing “I in awesome wonder !! “ Then you know you are in church, in the presence of Angels, in the presence of the Mysterious with No Name. 

Am I a Baptist or Am I a Quaker ?

 “A Rose By Any other Name will smell just as sweet” Was Dr. King a Quaker? No, he was a Baptist! But he sounded like a Quaker when he preached love and forgiveness. Was it William Shakespeare that said “A rose by any other name is still a rose !” That’s right a human being by any other name is still a human being. Love and forgiveness as a Baptist or a Quaker is still Love and Forgiveness. I guess really how far up one is on Maslow Hierachy determines the oneness in spirit. From the basic level up to self actualisation and ultimately transcendence. At that level when one has transcended race, religion , culture, tradition it doesn’t matter what the labels are. It’s all Spirit. It’s all humanness. Whether you call it this or that.  Just as this post seemingly by a Quaker who thought Martin Luther King, a Baptist, is a Quaker because he seems to espouse the some of the same values like love & forgiveness.  That’s it isn’t it. If the final denominator is Love & Forg...

John3:8 - 是以聖人處無為之事,行不言之教

      是以聖人處無為之事,行不言之教   One who moves in Tao, moves in WuWei is like one moving In the Spirit. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. It just flows. You see its results, the things it accomplishes but you don't see it moving. You dont see it being built. When its done, people say wow when did this happen. So it is of someone that moves in the Zone.  I think and beginning to think Saints are just ordinary people doing ordinary things but with exceptional spirit with perseverance and persistence. When normal human beings starts to move in the spirit, extraordinary things happens. They just do because of some reason they felt compelled to. Not knowing the end result but just do because they felt its the right thing to do.  That EXCELLENCE achieve is "Kingdom of God".  So when we are led and move by the Spirit, are we not then Children of God !! As long as you as a human being moves in the Spirit, In The Zone and Flow you are creatu...

God In Everyday : World Badminton Champion receives almost $400K from Public.

 Public raises almost $400,000 for naturalised Singaporean World Badminton Champion.   Badminton: Loh Kean Yew gets $200k cash reward from Indonesian tycoon's foundation | The Straits Times Over S$115,572.90 Raised for Loh Kean Yew Through Crowdfunding - 5 businesspeople in S'pore raise S$50,000 for Loh Kean Yew after learning he won S$0 from being world champion - Mothership.SG - News from Singapore, Asia and around the world

God in Everyday : “ $80m Lotto Win”

  “(It’s) amazing, I can’t even explain it, it’s such a shock. It’s still sinking in but we’re all ecstatic. “This was the first time we’ve done it (the syndicate) in three years, so it was just a spur of the moment thing . I said to the ladies ‘$80 million girls, we’ve got to be in it. Someone’s got to win it so why not us’?”

无極 : Another Interpretation


Life’s Template : Same shit, different spin

 Map of Life. Tree of Life. Feng Shui Quadrants. Zodiac Houses. Maslow Hierachy. Scientology‘s 8 Dynamics. Ikigai. Whatever labels or names one wants to call it it’s still the same Life & it’s patterns. The only one has the copy right to all these templates is LIFE itself !! Don’t get too caught up by the labels & methods, most importantly use it wisely to live a great LIFE !! Templates have its place for sure just don’t get too obsessive about it.