
Showing posts from November, 2022

Matthew 11:28-30

Man’s labour on earth is suppose to be easy and light. There might be challenges but it’s easy and light.  God rested. Again I think it’s a problem with interpretation. In Chinese we will not say Rest. We would have translate it as 无極. Formless. “God” or “Tao” return back to being formless and still. So a more accurate picture will be stillness.  Be Still and know I am God. Meaning doesn’t worry. Lean not unto your own understanding but the understanding the spirit of Jesus gives a peace that surpasses understanding. So while it might sound good what does it mean practically. It just means that, Be Still !!

Genesis 1:27-28

  Man was designed to replicate heaven on earth. From the invisible to the visible realm. From the divine realm to the material realm. To establish “heaven” on earth by polarities. Yin and Yang. Masculine and feminine.  And to get the job done they were imbued with authority and power over the earth, nature and the cosmos. Their mission was to flow in the Spirit with Authority and power to establish Heaven on earth. 

Genesis 2:22

Christianity from the western world perspective has a big drawback and crippling limitation. It is much influenced by the learned Greeks and Roman’s culture. It has no reference point to one critical thing. Qi and Breath. After all Adam became alive when God breathe into him  Maybe in the very origin there were no polarities. There were no Yin/Yang Male/female. It was one whole entity that embodies both yin and Yang. Then at some point in time, yin was separated from the whole leaving 2 parts. Male and what came out of it Female. Thus Male always feels something is missing and wants to be patched up. Whereas female feels she has left home and wants to be put back. In “heaven” they were one but on earth everything becomes polarised. The opposite have to work together. Posture and negative got to be joined for electricity to flow.  “And the 2 shall become one”. Male and female were meant to be conjoin energetically as shown in the picture. Problems starts when the 2 is legally m...

Genesis 3:7 : And they knew they were naked

  No. Man was not design by God to have free will. Man became free to will when his “eyes” was opened when they ate the “fruit” from the “tree” of  the knowledge of Good and evil. Meaning to say , he can choose what he like or dont like decide what is good for him and what is not . The “sin” is having free will. That’s why in Baptism when we enter the water , symbolically we closed our eyes. So our spirit return to God and lead our lives by instinct in him We don’t make conscious choice anymore but everything is inspired and led by the Spirit The mission of Jesus, the “Last man, 2nd Adam” is to restore mankind back to be the “Original Man”. He is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek. In the Book of Enoch Shem was identified as the Melchizedek that offered bread and wine (Communion) to Abraham. That lineage and it’s the author’s opinion did not start from Shem. Shem inherited it from his up line. And by logical extension, it has to go all the way back to Adam.  They...
 Before Adam had the knowledge of good & bad, he was flowing perfectly in harmony with the universe, cosmos and nature. Just like the animals. He was operating on instinctual knowledge. He was doing everything right even though he may not have full understanding of why certain thing was the way it was. But he knew it was the right thing to do. Then one day Eve asked him whether he had considered other options, whether he has thought of it. Maybe Eve herself had other ideas and wanted to explore other avenues so subtly suggest to Adam to use his logical thinking. Thus they lean unto those own understanding to make plans & decision instead of flowing with the Spirir. Just like a well designed machine, everything is in place for a reason. If one item is out it affects the whole system. Thus man is out of sync and has been in fire fighting mode since trying to mage it good.  The way to live as Man is designed is to live flowing in the spirit what that means in practical te...

Matthew 27:50

Jesus has tremendous spiritual power. He could die consciously.   

Luke 14:26

This verse is not about martyrdom or the glory of being persecution because of following and being a disciple of Jesus Christ as commonly preached. Being a disciple or follower of Jesus doesn’t mean professing your eternal love for him. It means understanding his teachings and undertaking to applying them and Intergrate them into our lives which is originally what man and how man should be living.   

Matthew 6:21

  Religion is made by man for man. Religion is for man, not man for religion  Problem with religion nowadays is that it’s existing for the sake of existing and people are following it for the sake of following it. Religion is but a set of rules discovered by previous generations of previous generations through trial and error and experimentation they discovered certain truths of living and to make it easier for their posterity they encoded it into a set of rules even spiritual rules of connecting with the cosmos, universe, nature and even within/  Overtime man lost the essence of those teachings and started living blindly following a shell. And thus like Paul said have a form of godliness, a form of spirituality, a form of religion but deny the power thereof. Like this verse what it means in practical terms is follow your passion. That’s where excellence can be found. Don’t be caught in a dead end job. Or relationship. Do the right thing not just doing things right. In th...

Matthew 6:22

Of course it’s not referring to the physical eye. When we have clarity in our mind, heart and spirit our body is full of light. Full of purpose and energy.  The message of Jesus is consistently this. 

Why Pray if He Knows ???

 Ok this is a western mindset problem with semantics with no real understanding of the spiritual dimension. The western christianity thinks of “God” whom is not really defined fully in a spiritually practical way. Of course you the the trinity theory that “God” is 3-in-1 like the various state of water in gas, solid and liquid state. And it sounds good but how do you practically put it to use ?? There was a time however even in Christian tradition in America in the 19th century and maybe even early 20th century there were a many individuals that experimented with spiritual concepts the likes of Mary baker eddy, Ernest Holmes, Gurdjieff etc but somehow they never became mainstream. The mainstream Christianity namely the evangelicals and Pentecostal really messed things up. One is heady in spiritualism with no earthly good while the other is selling something but not backing up with delivery. They are not grounded in real spirituality theeefore they have to stand in some man made cre...

IAm That I Am

Clarify who you are truly and your purpose in life will follow. That’s the true essence of these verses. “God” was saying to Moses : “You are who you are, do. It be afraid” We are who we are individually unique, each with our own gifting and talents and DNA. Both physical and spiritual.  Moses is not Picasso and Picasso is not Einstein. So this is the true essence of these verses.  When Jesus declared he is “I Am” it just means he is who he is and he is so intertwined with the spirit and is just flowing that he and the universe is one.  And some commentary says he is God incarnate, again what is God ? Who is God ?  How to know who we are is not in talking about it or even knowing how to it is in the doing. It cannot be rationalise with the rational and logical kind that we spent 10,12,16,20 years in school being educated by. We have placed so much emphasis on the rational mind that we have lost our own selves.  To know who we are is a consciousness thing, it is ...


1972 : Mao met Nixon 1974 : Andy Warhol paints Mao 1976 : Mao passed away (after meeting Nixon and Andy Warhol’s portrait of him) at 82. 1974   . 8000 Terracotta Army of  Emperor Qi was discovered  . Xi Jin Ping enters politics . Andy Warhol paints Mao Qin united China and kept the barbarians out Mao united China and kicked the barbarians out Xi strengthen the unity and take the fight to the barbarians.  …….. What if God is not who or what we think he is ? From the perspective of a Christian God and what the church made him out to be and what the Bible say about him or it. Christianity allude God to be like a Father. Which is fine. It implies that God is an entity. Omnipotent, Omni presence, omniscience but still an entity and a singular entity at that. It has a personality. It is some sort of being that man is born in its image. Implying that it might be like humans. Christians pray to their God who is like a Father but in 3 forms.  What if God is just pure en...
  What if God is not what we think it is or he is ? What if God is just Energy ? Like electricity or water, torrents of water ?? Just a pure raw force of power that can be harnessed.  But this Power has virtues. If used for bad or goes against its nature it will turn bad and  destroy even the person that wields it. 

Phillipians 4:6

Anxiety is equivalent to stress. Stress leads to imbalance of the body’s physiology. Causes the body’s chemicals, hormones, metabolic rate to go haywire and out of sync and cells go haywire also. Wickedness and diseases follows the imbalance.  Immune system weakens. Inflamation and infection occurs. Problems and crisis triggers the fear, flight freeze response causes stress to the body’s physiology including chemicals, metals, hormones and metabolism as cortisols and adrenals increase. In the long term if the imbalances is not restored to equilibrium the body’s system compensate and over compensate the weakness of the body system thus developing chronic illnesses that sometimes becomes irreversible.  The mind is the controller of the body’s response to external stimuli. Problem that’s causes stress are to be dealt not in the physical plane but in the spiritual Plane. We are to do our problem solving in the spirit. In the Alpha zone. In the meditative state. When the mind is at...
1. Jesus went away alone. Solitude        . Quiet time        . Closet time        . Reflection & Contemplation      . Problem with the evangelical and Pentecostal churches is that it’s not grounded in practical spiritual practice. It keeps wanting to do do do. But not grounded. And they do not have the spiritual technology or methodology for their followers.      . In the other hand the mainstream denominations they are grounded but also lack spirituality. Grounded in the physical realm but not spiritually.  2. Challenging Situations (especially those concerning life affecting the core of our very being and welfare. In other words crisis. Health crisis, financial crisis, personal crisis, relational crisis, mid life crisis whatever crisis. When the rubber meets the road as the saying goes. When the skin is in the game. And life is real no head in the sand.  No fantasy or ungrounded id...
  Bread & Wine.  Jesus is the bread of life . He said to his disciples eat of me in honour of  his coming death (Passover) and the subsequent outpouring of the Spirit in the upper room (Pentecost) The “holy communion” as it is called is the story of Passover to Pentecost; from sacrifice to restoration of mankind  in the Spirit establishing heaven on earth. Reclaiming the Authority of man and heavens mandate on earth. Thus the account of Paul & Peter saying to the lame at the temple “silver & gold I have not but get up and walk”.  Heaven is Yang. Man is yin. Yin sacrifice and present itself as a living sacrifice, an empty vessel  to receive the authority and power from Heavem. Thus marrying the Yang and establish Yin-Yang harmony on Earth. The sacrifice is actually no sacrifice. It’s a sacrifice by the lower man in exchange for his higher self and consciousness. To leave his egoistic mind heart and soul for an open and elevated mind heart and sou...

Mankind : Masters of the Heaven and Earth on Earth

DOVINITY : Jesus is the 2nd Man, Last Adam. Mankind has come a full circle through Jesus Christ. To return to the origin the words and works of Jesus Christ is to restore man to its origin of power and authority and so that man and woman can come into union again as one in their Divine masculine and divine feminine in love and freedom in Spirit. Jesus has come to the realisation and thru his spiritual practice he has achieved total authority within himself and mastered the spirit world as well as the nature and cosmos. The epitome and benchmark for mankind . 

Romans 8:39

“ Nothing outside of us has the power to limit our capacity to give and receive love. “ THE ENLIGHTENED SEX MANUAL Our refusal to trust is often grounded in the past: We were abused as a child. We were jilted by an ex-lover. Our partner has been selfish, distracted, closed down, or insensitive. It is very important to address these realities in our lives through intervention, communication, therapy, supportive friends, wise teachers, and our own personal inquiry and exploration. In ad- dition, it is often necessary to protect ourselves - physically and emotionally - from abusive and destructive relationships. Even so, we eventually learn that emotional closure is our own action. We can be responsible for it. In any moment, we can choose to open or to close. Nothing outside of us has the power to limit our capacity to give and receive love. Even while pointing out perpetrators and working to heal the wounds we have suffered in the past, if our heart is not open, we are simply refusing t...

No greater purpose …

  His wife is bluffing saying: I don’t support this at all. He leaves, calling her bluff. Right before the fight, she shows up at the locker room and gives him a hug and kiss, basically letting him know that she is submissive at that point. She goes along with what he’s saying, and supports him. He called her bluff and she backed down, accepting that he was in his masculine. I think it is a really great example of masculine and feminine energy, because again, feminine energy will sometimes bluff to test. His wife had come to him before the fight, and says she would not support it. In other words, she threatened to walk, or not support him if he fights. He, again, remains indifferent. He goes anyways, because he has to. Because that’s his purpose, that’s his mission, because that’s what he must do, as a strong, masculine man. He is a superior man who will give everything for his purpose. That included his life. That is why men go off to war, and will die willingly. It’s because tha...

Genesis 2:22

 The rib represent soul. In the beginning of beginnings there was only Tao. Yin/Yang exist within the Tao.  Yin & Yang Masculine & Feminine is suppose to be one.  It’s one in the spirit But in the physical realm it exist as 2 poles This electricity/life flows It’s whole then separate entity to be make whole again.  In Heaven it’s One On Earth it’s Two To be Combine back to One  Thus this is how Heaven is manifested on Earth (You get it ??) Yin is soft and flexible so it needs structure and strength Yang is hard and rigid it needs elasticity. Yin needs a base Yang needs soul 

Ephesians 4:23

 Let your thinking be done in the spirit. And not by the analytical, rational, logical mind. In other words be in the Alpha state when you are thinking or pondering a problem. Ie Albert Einstein  The 6Is is the language of the spirit ! Albert Einstein says he and other pursuer of science will eventually realise there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe that is vastly superior to man. This spirit and laws of the universe is the KINGDOM OF GOD. 

Matt 6:33

    My spirit is me and it’s free from encumbrances.      . Where my spirit leads, my body follows      . vs where my mind leads my body follows      . My spirit leads my mind, leads the body    . But we have let our mind if not our body be the leader of our lives.  . Saint Paul said  Romans 7:19, NIV:  For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do--this I keep on doing . Romans 7:19, ESV: For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. Which leads to the advise of self control. Actually the whole Bible is talking if mastering the nature of the fallen men not with Will Power and mental control but thru the Spirit.  Albert Einstein says he and other pursuer of science will eventually realise there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe that is vastly superior to mani. This spirit and laws of the universe is the KINGDOM OF GOD. ...

Matt 6:3

 This verse is about the principle of not letting your left hand know what the right hand is doing. Basically pay no thoughts to your actions. Just flow. Just do it. Follow the instinct, follow the inspiration. Follow the  It can be further expanded to mean be in the present moment forget what happen 1 minute ago and pay no thoughts to 1 minute ahead.  There is a place for this application and it’s not about planning or not planning. Organising or not organising. It’s about the execution phase after all is said and has been said and all planning and thinking has been done It’s about a state of consciousness rather than a phase in living. It’s a state of mind and consciousness. And this state of being is the “secret place”. The “secret place” Psalm 91 talks about.  And what  In Daoist religion tradition, Zixiao 紫霄 is the name of the palace where the Lord Immortal Laozi 老子 (the author of the Daoist canon, the Daodejing 道德經) lives. It is often referred to as a sacr...

Genesis 1:28

Heaven on earth. Man is to flourish and prosper in this world. Man has authority of the spiritual realm and also on the material plane. Earth where we exist is both spiritual and material. Man is both spiritual and material so is earth, so is the cosmos so is the universe.  Man things he is created. Man thinks he is separate from God. That’s from man’s perspective. However when he is born again and his eyes are opened, he realised he is spirit first then material. He flows in the spirit and the spirit is him  

Luke 10:20
